Sunday, May 13
9:30AM Diamond Voices rehearsal in the Religious Education building.
9:30AM No Religious Education for children due to Mother's Day.
9:30AM Adult RE 1 How Jesus Became God
9:30AM No Adult RE 2 today.
10:30 Hymn Choir Practice in the sanctuary
11:00AM Worship Service: The Question Box, Rev. Jeff Briere Coordinator: Denee Mattioli
Whatever questions have been dropped into the Question Box will be answered.
Remember to bring Hunger in Your Neighborhood food donations!
Collecting Items for Immigrants - Please read the article about the ICE raid on immigrants in Morristown. The Social Justice Committee is helping St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Morristown by collecting the following items: any typical Mexican foods (including corn flour), dishwashing soap, paper towels, ziplock bags, laundry detergent and toilet paper. There will be a collection bin available every Sunday in May.
12PM Potluck Lunch - Bring a dish to share and join us for our monthly potluck lunch.
12:30PM Event Choir - Meet in the Emerson room in the REZ.
Monday, May 14
5:15-6:15PM Voice Technique Class
Tuesday, May 15
10:00AM bUUk Club
5:15-6:30PM Yoga with Tish
Wednesday, May 16
9:30AM Sangha
7:00PM Board of Trustees Meeting
Thursday, May 17
7PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
Friday, May 18
9AM Fiber Fellowship