Wednesday Night supper this month is March 26th. at 6pm. Join us for hearty food and great company! All are welcome but be sure to sign up so we know how many to cook for! Helpers, especially for clean up, are very welcome!!
$8.00 per person
$15 for two
$5 for children under 12
Sign up by emailing or in the Fellowship Hall by Sunday, 2/23 at 12:30pm
We play board games and card games in the spirit of inclusion and fun. We always teach the rules to the games, so you don’t need to know anything in advance. If you are curious about it, just show up ready to have some fun. If you want to bring a game that you love (and can teach to others), please do! Snacks (not mandatory) and all ages welcome.
Maybe for February 14th, ditch the commercial hearts and roses and come play a game!
Email with any questions.
Our next Movie Night will be March 28th. We’ll be watching the movie “Sabrina”. If you did not buy this Movie Night at the annual service auction you still have a chance to join us at the church. Just bring $15.00 the night of the movie.
Heavy hor’s d’oeuvres will be served at 6:30pm and the movie will show at 7:00.
Come join us for an evening of food, fellowship and film. There is a sign up sheet on the counter at the back of the sanctuary. Email with any questions.
NUTs (Northeast Ukesters of Tennessee) Community Ukulele group is continuing to meet at HVUUC in March!
All ukulele enthusiasts of any level are welcome to attend. Are you curious or just want to sing along for now? Join us. We might even have an extra ukulele to loan out at the meeting.
Information about the meetings and NUTS group is on the official web page:
This is a community event, held at the HVUUC campus. It is not an HVUUC event.
Email for more info.
The Youth RE will be hosting a bake sale fundraiser during coffee hour on Sunday, March 30. They are raising money to work against hunger in our region.
Please come out to see what delicious goods they bake this time! Email with any questions.
First Friday Women's Night on April 4th, 2025. For all who identify as women. Based in Nickelsville, VA, the host, Jasmine, will offer a farm-tour plus firepit and s'mores-makings.
Where: the Nickelsville, VA home of Jasmine.
The address, plus tips, can be accessed by contacting Alternatively, it will be on the private women's group FB page.
Driving and parking: Carpooling is suggested. ONLY USE GOOGLE MAPS TO GET THERE. All other GPS will get people lost. There will be a space for parking at the top of the driveway on the lawn.
Bring: your own camp-chair for around the fire-pit
Details: the main area is relatively flat and not hard to walk around. If it rains, we can all gather in the kitchen/dining room and the front porch.
Activity: farm tour, firepit with s'mores, and host will have basic drinks.
Food: snacks and libations are always welcome, but it is not required to bring something to attend; bringing food should never be a barrier. If bringing food, it should be easy to grab and handle on a plate. And for the host's comfort, please bring all food and drink home with you when you leave.
Join CUUPs in celebrating the frivolity and whimsy of the April Fools tradition.
CUUPS will be holding ritual to honor the lighter joyous side of Paganism. Ritual will be held at 6 pm followed by a potluck/. Please bring a dish to share.
All are welcome.
Email with any questions.
We will devote a segment of the service on April 6 to the induction and welcoming of new members. If you have taken the Path to Membership classes (recently or in the past) and would like to sign the book, become a member, and participate in this ceremony, please contact by or before March 30. Please include a brief 50-word biography (written in 3rd person) which will be read aloud to introduce you to the congregation.
For anyone who has taken the Path classes and would like to join, but cannot or does not wish to participate in the New Member Ceremony , a private signing of the membership book can be arranged.
We are happy you have found this church and we welcome you to become a member of our congregation.
Social Justice Committee invites everyone to join our Postcards to Voters. We will be sending non-partisan reminders to Virginia Voters to vote in the upcoming Governor's election. All supplies will be provided. Donations towards stamps/expenses gratefully received but not required by any means! Thank you very much!
Email with any questions.
Radical Joy in Hard Times
The Peace Pentagon (
88 Oracle Way, Independence, VA
We will have access to the entire campus which includes New River frontage, a babbling creek for water ceremony, turtle labyrinth, medicine wheel and peace pole as well as the picnic pavilion, bathhouse and, of course, the Peace Pentagon chapel.
Rev. Becky Suzik, UU Peace Fellowship ( Raleigh, NC;
Rev. Becky’s personal charity:
The purpose of our gathering is to persist in bringing the frequency of JOY into our lives as we face difficult times. The greatest antidote to fear and separation is community, heart resonance and kindling JOY. And, yes, better together!
This gathering is flexible. Come Friday evening for a bonfire, drumming and stay on campus – rates below ranging from $25/night camping to $100 for a private King bed and bath. Another option it to rent the whole house and share costs (prices below). Plus taxes.
OR – come for just Saturday.. arrive at 10 for a full day of JOY immersion.
Are you interested in planning the details for the gathering? For example, food committee, leading a JOY activity, other?
Fee: By Donation – No One Will be Turned Away;
INTERESTED? – More details as they are developed.
Email Noel: