Winter Wednesday night supper welcomes you!
Soup, potato bar, salad, and dessert…good friends and fellowship! Join us!
Meal starts at 6pm.
$8.00 per person
$15.00 per couple
$5.00 for kids under 12
(Cash in the basket when you get there thank you!)
Email to sign up or use the sign up sheet in the Fred Ball Room.
Sunday January 19th is the last day to sign up!
The first of three movie nights is Friday, January 24. If you did not buy this at the auction you still have a chance to join us at the church.
Heavy hor’s d’oeuvres will be served at 6:30 and the movie will show at 7:00. Bring $15.00 the night of the movies.
January 24: “Witness”
February 28: “Regarding Henry”
March 28: “Sabrina”
Come join us for an evening of food, fellowship and film. There is a sign up sheet on the kiosk in the Fred Ballroom.
Email with any questions.
THE MILKY WAY GALAXY - Imagine gazing up at a clear night sky, far from city lights, and seeing a luminous band stretching across the heavens. This breathtaking sight is the Milky Way galaxy, our cosmic home. With its swirling spiral arms and a core teeming with stars, the Milky Way is a vast and dynamic system, housing billions of stars, planets and mysteries waiting to be unraveled. From ancient myths to cutting edge astronomy, the story of the Milky Way is a journey through space and time, inviting us to explore the wonders of our galaxy......and beyond.
ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY - Donnie will guide you through the fascinating world of astrophotography using just your smartphone, whether you have an Android or iPhone. We'll explore how, with or without a modest telescope, you can capture stunning images of the moon and planets, transforming your smartphone into a powerful tool for celestial photography. You will be introduced to free software that can enhance your imaging experience, and we'll delve into essential techniques for capturing and editing your night sky photos. We will also share tips and tricks to help you make the most of the equipment you already have, proving that the phone in your pocket can open up a universe of photographic possibilities. In addition, weather permitting, Donnie will bring is telescope and share views of the stars, galaxies, or the moon - whichever is most prominent in the January night sky.
A study of the local Karst (limestone) features as seen on topographic maps and a very local field trip (weather permitting). Chemical weathering of local carbonate rocks around HVUUC illustrate streamless valleys, sink holes, sink lakes, sinking streams and blind valleys.
These presentations are open to all Church members and friends of the Church. If you have friends interested in the above presentations, feel free to bring them with you.
Note - we will not be providing refreshments at this event.
Email with any questions.
CUUPS will host a celebration of Imbolc. We will have a ritual at 6 pm followed by a potluck dinner. All are welcome.
Email with any questions.
First Friday Women's Group on February 7th at the near-downtown Kingsport home of Linda W.
All who identify as women are welcome. Come be energized by the support of other women!
Sharing of snacks and libations are always welcome, but it is not required to bring something to attend; bringing food should never be a barrier. For the host's comfort, please bring all food and drink home with you when you leave.
Parking is limited but can park street-side on the opposite side of the hosts home. Carpooling is always encouraged.
For questions and exact address, contact