Affinity Groups — Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church

Affinity Groups

Buuk Club

This book discussion group meets at church on the third Tuesday of the month from 10 a.m. to Noon in the RE building up the hill from the main church.  New people are always welcome!  For more information and our current book, contact

Families Group

This is a social group for parents, grandparents, or guardians who attend or are friends of Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church and have children and grandchildren from birth through school age. Our goal is to create a supportive community for ourselves and our children and grandchildren within our faith community. For more information please e-mail or find us on Facebook under HVUUC Families Group.

Game Group

We gather to play a range of modern board and card games for fun and a little friendly competition (or cooperation!). Newcomers are welcome at all events, regardless of game-playing experience. Every game is taught prior to playing. We generally have two game nights a month: Casual Game Night on the 2nd Saturday, and Complicated Game Night on the 4th Saturday. Casual Game Night is all-ages and family-friendly, and usually features simpler games. Complicated Game Night is adults-only and usually features more complex games. For more information please email  


MACHO stands for Men Achieving Community Helping Others and welcomes all who identify as men.  The MACHO group works together on various projects around the church and in the community. MACHO also has a weekend retreat annually and evening fellowship opportunities throughout the year. The MACHO group built HVUUC's beautiful bocce ball courts, helped the junior youth with their fire pit area, and usually takes the lead at HVUUC’s beloved Pancakes with Jam.

Women's Group

The HVUUC Women's Group welcomes all who identify as women and usually meets on the first Friday of each month in a home. The meetings are a chance to socialize; there usually is no agenda but often there will be a "check in.” Brings a snack/appetizer and/or beverage to share if you can. Having a good time is mandatory!  The monthly newsletter (under News & Events) generally has the location of the next meeting.

Youth Group

The Yuuth Gruup welcomes all youth ages 12-graduating senior for fun, service, and fellowship. We meet once a month August through April. We do a mix of service and fun activities, though we end up having fun all the time! If you are interested in being involved in the youth group, please contact

CUUPs - Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans

The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) is dedicated to helping pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists (UUs) network, educating people about paganism, promoting interfaith dialogue, developing pagan liturgies and theologies, and supporting pagan-identified UU religious professionals. We would like to welcome both members and guests of the church to join us on the third Sunday of each month for our meetings. You do not have to be pagan to join us—feel free to come if you are curious and would like to learn more about paganism in all its various forms.