Registration Required for Sunday's Annual Meeting

Registration Required for Sunday's Annual Meeting

Please register for Sunday’s Annual Congregational Meeting at:

The meeting this year will be held on Sunday, May 3, 2020 at 12:00 pm as a Zoom meeting. Please be on time or even a little early.

Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting, however only members may vote. To ensure we have quorum and to tally votes we need all voting members to register themselves and attend the meeting on their own device (smartphone, computer, tablet).

Each participant should register in advance using the link above.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

You will be muted when you enter the meeting and will not be able to unmute yourself. If you have a question or comment, please use the “raise hand” function (detailed instructions on the webpage, click “Read More”). You will be called on and unmuted in the order of hand raises. If someone answers your question you can “lower” your hand.

Voting will happen via polls, which is why every voting member must register and attend on a separate device. Please answer each question that is presented AND hit ‘submit" to vote. The results will be tabulated automatically.

Annual Meeting- Registration Required

Annual Meeting- Registration Required

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, May 3, 2020 at 12:00 pm as a Zoom meeting. Please be on time or even a little early.

Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting, however only members may vote. To ensure we have quorum and to tally votes we need all voting members to register and attend the meeting on their own device (smartphone, computer, tablet).

Each participant should register in advance using this link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

You will be muted when you enter and will not be able to unmute yourself. If you have a question or comment, please use the “raise hand” function (see below). You will be called on and unmuted in order of hand raises. If someone answers your question you can “lower” your hand.

Voting will happen via polls, which is why every voting member must register and attend on a separate device. Please answer each question AND hit ‘submit" to vote. The results will be tabulated automatically.

Virtual Coffee Hour

Virtual Coffee Hour

POSTPONED due to technical difficulties

After Virtual Church ends on Sunday April 19th, grab a cup of your favorite morning beverage and meet us at 11:30 in the Zoom fellowship hall! You can come to virtual coffee hour on a computer, tablet, smart phone, or even a land line or flip phone.