On Sunday, May 3, 2020, we held our Annual Congregational Meeting on Zoom. We had 65 people in attendance with 63 of them being voting members. Three items were approved:
Approved 2019 Annual Congregational Meeting Minutes
Approved new Board and Nominating Committee members
Approved the 2020-21 Church Budget
Board of Trustees for 2020-21:
2020-21 Board and Nominating Committee nominees that were approved on 5/3/20
Dana York - President
Ann Livengood – Vice President
Tom Burns – Past President
Deb Helmer – Treasurer
William Kauffman – Secretary
Wendy Hearl – Programs Trustee
Kris Monson – Facilities Trustee
Michele Markstrom-Frisch – Membership Trustee
Will Powell – Stewardship Trustee
Nominating Committee for 2020-21:
Kim Ray
Wanda Earp
Mike Frisch
Judy Tucker
Lee Sinnott
The Budget that was approved can be found at this link:
Thank you to all that were available to participate in the democratic process of this church. I am very happy to have had such a great turn out, and see so many familiar faces! I appreciate everyone’s patience with the technology, and flexibility as we navigate uncharted waters.
Looking forward to the evolution of church life in the coming months.
Larry Livengood
Board of Trustees 2019-20