Annual Congregational Meeting Items

It's time for the Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church Annual Meeting once again. This will take place on Sunday, May 3, 2020 at 12:00 pm.

We are holding the meeting on Zoom. Register for the Zoom meeting at:

Topics to be covered for the meeting include:

  • Approval of last year's meeting minutes

  • Approval of the Board of Trustees and Nominating Committee slate for 2020-2021

  • Approval of the budget for the 2020-21 fiscal year

The items to be voted on can be found below.


Slate of Nominees from the Nominating Committee for 2020-21


  • Vice President

    • Ann Livengood

  • Treasurer

    • Deb Helmer

  • Facilities Trustee

    • Kris Monson

  • Membership Trustee

    • Michelle Markstrom-Frisch

  • Past President

    • Tom Burns (replace Larry Livengood because of Ann's VP nomination)

Nominating Committee:

  • Judy Tucker

  • Lee Sinnott

Continuing their board terms (not being voted on)

  • President: Dana York

  • Secretary: William Kauffman

  • Programs Trustee: Wendy Hearl

  • Stewardship: Will Powell

Continuing their Nominating Committee terms (not being voted on)

  • Kim Ray

  • Wanda Earp

  • Mike Frisch

Proposed Budget for the 2020-21 Fiscal Year
