What's Happening March 10 - March 16

Sunday, March 10

9:30AM Children's Religious Education - Children must be registered online. Classes this year are as follows:

Pre-K and 1st - Religious Education building, Joseph Priestly room

2nd thru 4th grade - Religious Education building, David Thoreau room

5th grade thru HS Senior - class WILL NOT BE HELD while OWL education is happening. This would be a wonderful opportunity to be a role model for the younger children in our congregation! 

9:30AM Adult RE 1 -  Ancient Civilizations of North America Meet in the Meditation Hall, 2nd floor of the Religious Education building. 

9:30AM  Adult RE 2 - This class is taking a hiatus and the OWL Parent class is being held in it’s place.

9:30AM Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education for 4th - 6th Grade.

11:00AM Worship Service: It’s Easier to Believe the Bad Things, Rev. Jeff Briere

Julia Roberts was right. Sometimes, it is easier to believe the bad things.

Remember to bring Hunger in Your Neighborhood food donations!

12PM Potluck Lunch - Bring a dish to share and join us for our monthly potluck lunch. You are encouraged to bring a vegan dish as were wrapping up our Vegan Week Challenge this Sunday.

12:30PM Path to Membership Class

Tuesday, March 12

5:15PM Yoga with Tish

Wednesday, March 13

7-9PM Free Range Covenant Group

Friday, March 15

7PM Glass Menagerie Play Reading - A reading of Tennessee Williams' "The Glass Menagerie" is presented for your entertainment. Curtain time is 7pm so be there by 6:45 to get a good seat.

The readers are well known church members in very different roles! Come, join us and be charmed! There is no charge but a donation to the church would be appreciated.