Sunday, November 11
9:30AM Children's Religious Education - Children must be registered online. Classes this year are as follows:
Pre-K and 1st - Religious Education building, Joseph Priestly room
2nd thru 4th grade - Religious Education building, David Thoreau room
5th grade thru HS Senior - Religious Education building, James Reeb room
9:30AM Adult RE 1 - Energy Meet in the Meditation Hall, 2nd floor of the Religious Education building.
9:30AM Adult RE 2 - Families Group Roundtable, meet in the Emerson room in the Religious Education building.
11:00AM Worship Service: “This Church Ain't No Country Club”, Rev. Jeff Briere
What is the purpose of a church? To comfort the afflicted or to afflict the comfortable?
Remember to bring Hunger in Your Neighborhood food donations!
Hope and Healing Bags - We are collecting items for The Branch House Family Center who provides help to sexual assault victims.
11:15AM - Children’s Choir rehearsal
12PM Potluck lunch - Bring a dish to share and join us after the service today for our monthly potluck lunch.
12:30PM Adult Choir rehearsal
12:45PM - OWL Outreach Presentation: Comprehensive Sex Ed as a Social Justice Ministry
Tuesday, November 13
7PM Storytelling Small Group Ministry
Thursday, November 15
7PM Photography Small Group Ministry
Friday, November 16
9AM Fiber Fellowship
Saturday, November 17
Service Auction! Childcare is available all night long. Heavy hors d'oeuvres will be served.
5:30PM Silent Auction shopping begins
6:30PM Live Auction!