Sunday, May 6
8:50AM Diamond Voices rehearsal in the Religious Education building
9:30AM Youth Religious Education Find out which class your child is in this year and be sure they are registered! Children 3 years old and younger are invited to go play in our nursery.
9:30AM Adult RE 1 How Jesus Became God
9:30AM Adult RE 2 Circle of Trees
10:30 Hymn Choir Practice in the sanctuary
11:00AM Worship Service: Can I Have Fries With That?, Rev. Jeff Briere Coordinator: Tom Burns
What's the question that you ask when you walk into church? "What's in it for me?" Or perhaps, do you ask, "How can I make a difference here?" We also welcome new members today.
New Member Ingathering - Join us in welcoming the newest members to our church!
Remember to bring Hunger in Your Neighborhood food donations!
Collecting Items for Immigrants - Please read the article about the ICE raid on immigrants in Morristown. The Social Justice Committee is helping St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Morristown by collecting the following items: any typical Mexican foods (including corn flour), dishwashing soap, paper towels, ziplock bags, laundry detergent and toilet paper. There will be a collection bin available every Sunday in May.
12PM Fellowship Hour - Join us for coffee, snacks, and fellowship after the service.
Monday, May 7
1:00PM Kitchen of Hope - If you can volunteer to cook, serve, or clean up please contact Kim at
Tuesday, May 8
5:15-6:30PM Yoga with Tish
Wednesday, May 9
9:30AM Sangha
Thursday, May 10
7PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
Friday, May 11
9AM-3PM Church Clean Up
Saturday, May 12
9AM-3PM Church Clean Up