Sunday, February 18
8:50-9:25AM Youth Choir - Meet in the Emerson room in the REZ
9:30AM Our Whole Lives
9:30AM Youth Religious Education Find out which class your child is in this year and be sure they are registered! Children 3 years old and younger are invited to go play in our nursery.
9:30AM Adult RE 1 Why Evil Exists
9:30AM Adult RE 2 Building the World We Dream About
10:30-10:45AM Hymn Choir - Meet in the sanctuary
11:00AM Stick Together and Stewardship, Rev. Jeff Briere Coordinator: Tom Burns
The value and the challenge of living in community. And the cost.
Remember to bring Hunger in Your Neighborhood food donations!
12:00PM Stewardship Presentation and Carnival
1:00-3:00PM CUUPS Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, February 20
10:00AM - bUUk Group
5:15-6:30PM Yoga with Tish
Wednesday, February 21
9:30AM Sangha
6:30PM Zumba
7:00PM Board of Trustees Meeting
Thursday, February 22
7:00PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
Friday, February 23
6:00PM It's Complicated Game Night
Sunday, February 25
“It’s not about whether an individual person considers themselves a white supremacist. It’s about how we’re all influenced by the everyday messages we receive in our culture, by decisions that we make without even really thinking about it.”
- Sofia Betancourt, UUA Interim Co- President
Please join us with loving hearts and open minds on February 25, 2018 for our second White Supremacy Teach- In. Our first in the series saw over 60 participants engaging in deep, honest, and sometimes uncomfortable conversation. These sessions are facilitated independently and do not require participation in previously held sessions. Please come as you are able!
To date, over 600 Unitarian Universalist Churches have participated in this event created by BLUU, the Black Lives Of Unitarian Universalism.
This is a collaborative project with an intention to recognize the white supremacist system that our culture operates within, and will give us guidance on how each one of us can help to dismantle it.
There will be light refreshments and child care will be offered.