Please email all submissions for the July newsletter by Monday July 1st to
Looking for Greeters and New Greeter Coordinator
We are looking for Greeters for Sunday mornings and also a new Greeters Coordinator!
As you may be aware, after more than 20 years of coordinating Greeters for our Sunday services, Sue S. has retired. Please give her a round of applause and a big thank you the next time you see her! We are now looking for a new Greeter Coordinator. This person develops the Greeter schedule each year. After that, the Greeters are generally self-sustaining and trade with others if they are not able to serve on the dates they are expected.
If you have not been a Greeter in the past (or if it has been awhile), we would love for you to welcome congregants on Sunday mornings. If you have questions or are interested in participating as Greeter or Coordinator, please talk with Lori K, Membership Trustee, or email Most Greeters only serve three or four Sundays a year but if you want to do just one or two, that’s ok, too. Thank you in advance for your help and participation!
Fellowship Funds available for Auction Equity
In order to allow as many congregants as possible to participate in our Annual Service Auction fundraiser, the Stewardship Team is happy to offer the opportunity to work volunteer hours in lieu of paying for service auction events.
Here are the details:
-An hour of volunteer work is worth $20/hr. for auction credit
-There is a cap of 15 volunteer hours for credit per person
-The volunteer hours cannot be volunteer work that you are already doing for the church, but will be high-need volunteer areas determined by Rev. Tiffany and the Stewardship Team, but you will get some say in what you do
How it works:
You attend the service auction and bid like everyone else does. Make sure not to bid more than $300 total or you will exceed the cap on hours
When it's time to check out, let the person checking you out know that you are going to pay with volunteer hours
Post auction someone will follow up with you to set up a time to review the list of high-need volunteer work, and together you will choose what to do
You will get an occasional follow-up from that person to see how you are making progress in your volunteer hours
For additional information or clarification please contact
Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed
Volunteers needed for coffee hour for July. Please sign up on the calendar beside the coffee urn or email If you need assistance or want training, just indicate that in your email. This is good way to to meet new friends and reconnect with old ones.
Question Box Service, Enneagram Survey, and Dungeons and Dragons
Sharing Joy Collective Poem
During our June 2nd Audre Lorde service the congregation worked together to write a poem about Joy. 78 cards with images and phrases associated with joy were shared. And while not all of them were able to be incorporated, the majority were. Here's our group poetry project:
Communion of Joy
Joy. The light thru the window. You
And me, and everyone. Here together.
Chocolate and peanut butter
The grip of a newborn
Every breath we take. When we meet, in a smile
Joy is the favorite part of
Bohemian Rhapsody, sung with
Friends, top of lungs, loving as your dog
Loves you, a gentle hug when you enter a room
Feeling groovy. Feeling moody. Wind
In pines, dust wiped, a job well done
The people here that I love
Fireflies blinking. The presence. The presence
Honeysuckle. Cut grass. Green. Green. Green.
That wind in the pines, the stars
In the eyes of a child, lighting up
The day. When someone truly sees you
The warmth. The scented light. The first
Five minutes of sunrise, flowing
Water washing the mind
Joy is guitars and many voices combined
The love of community, a sorrow shared
In the caring. Joy is knowing
The true essence of being
Joy – a protest from my grief, breathing a collective
Sigh of relief to be after all, a collective.
The quiet arriving of goodness. Remembering love
Is love, and we grow like wildflowers every hour
We are together
Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans
Join us for church on June 16, 2024!
9:00am Religious Education
11:00am Sunday Service
12:00pm Coffee Hour
12:15 Music Committee (all welcome)
“Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans”
Join us as we talk about Paganism. We will answer what Paganism is, and how it fits with UU ideology. Multiple CUUPS members and Pagans who attend HVUUC will speak about their induvial traditions.
Staff Summer Absences
Our Minister and Staff will be out for the summer a couple of times a year. Read the full description to make note of their schedules and office closures.
Summer is in full swing and that means many of HVUUC's staff will be taking some time off. Please take note of when various key people will be out and consider how it may effect the work you are doing:
DRE Justin Ridley will be out of the office from Friday, June 7th through Saturday, June 15th
Rev. Tiffany will be out from Friday June 14th until Thursday June 27th
Office Manager Jessica will be out Thursday, June 27th.
Rev. Tiffany will be out from Monday July 15th until Monday July 22nd
Office Manager Jessica will be out Tuesday, July 23rd and Thursday, July 25th
DRE Justin Ridley will be out of the office from Thursday, July 25th through Friday, August 2nd.
The Church Office will be closed on Thursday July 4th.
Please note that scammers will often target staff absences as a key time for perpetrating fraud upon the congregation. Please never give out passwords or directories or other sensitive information via email requests. And please never buy gift cards or give out money via online requests.
Enneagram Workshop - Interest Survey
Have you ever wondered what the Enneagram is, or which type you are? Are you interested in learning more about it here at HVUUC?
Our DRE is conducting an Enneagram Workshop interest survey to see if there are members at HVUUC that are interested in participating in a workshop about the Enneagram. Please follow the link and respond to the survey if you are interested.
Click here for short survey.
For questions contact our DRE Justin Ridley at
Any Questions?
It's time for a Question Box service! Submit your Questions to by Friday June 27.
A long beloved Unitarian Universalist tradition is the Question Box service. In our free and responsible search for truth and meaning we often have more questions than answers. Submit your questions big and small to by Thursday June 27th and Rev. Tiffany might try to answer your question during the service.
This service is only as fun as YOU make it so don't be shy about sending Questions. And ask your kids too!
Dungeons and Dragons
We are announcing an open invitation to play Dungeons and Dragons and other table top roleplaying games. If interested we will have a signup sheet and you can contact us for availability and greater details.
Each session will be limited to 3-6 players. All experience levels are welcome.
Email for more information.
Game Night and New Covenant Group
Anam Cara Covenant Group
There will be a four-session “Seeking Your Anam Cara” (soul friend) Covenant Group held in the Meditation Hall (2nd floor) of the REZ from 9:00 – 10:30 on Sundays, July 14, 28, August 11, and 25 for up to eight participants. Co-leaders are Wanda Earp and Linda Good.
This group will explore the Celtic view of souls connecting and bonding through deep friendships that evolve into a coveted Anam Cara – your soul friend.
Click through to read full details.
Science, Capitalism, and Chaos: Jurassic Park as Sacred Text
Join us for church on June 9, 2024!
9:00am Religious Education
11:00am Sunday Service
12:00pm Coffee Hour
“Science, Capitalism, and Chaos: Jurassic Park as Sacred Text”
"Your Scientists Were So Preoccupied With Whether Or Not They Could, They Didn’t Stop To Think If They Should" and other lessons from Dr. Ian Malcom and the world of Jurassic Park. What does the story of Jurassic Park teach us about ethics and humanity?
Blue Plum
Come represent HVUUC at this years Blue Plum Music Festival ! Our congregation will be tabling to the greater community with our Music Madness table. Come help us make DIY music shakers with our community or just stop in for a visit while you enjoy live music at a great local festival!
We will have a table on Friday 09/07 from 4pm-8pm
Then again on Saturday 09/08 from 11am - 8pm
Come show the community what we are all about!
Email with any questions.
June 2024 Newsletter
Minister’s Note
Game Nights
Transposition Film
Endowment Fund
Voter Postcard Writing
GA Feedback Meeting
Click here to read the entire newsletter.
Click here for past newsletters.
You can also find a few printed copies at our visitors table in the sanctuary.
Up to date church info is always available at
Summer RE, Women's Night, & GA Feedback Meeting
Silence Won't Save Us: the Life and Wisdom of Audre Lorde
Join us for church on June 2, 2024!
9:00am Religious Education
11:00am Sunday Service
12:00pm Coffee Hour
4:00pm Youth Group Event
“Silence Won't Save Us: the Life and Wisdom of Audre Lorde”
Kick off Pride month with a celebration of poet and activist Audre Lorde. Her insightful essays and moving poetry give us a view of truly intersectional justice work drawn from her own lived experience. “There is no thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.”
Summer RE Begins This Sunday!
Summer RE begins this Sunday, June 2, at 9:30 am outside on the back deck of the church. So far we have the following activities booked for June:
June 2: Giving to Something Bigger (Justin Ridley and Sue Cadwallader)
June 9: Dutch Oven Cooking (Greg Kramer)
June 16: Astronomy (Mike Frisch and Sue Cadwallader)
June 23: Open
June 30: Kinetic Game Time (Kirk Roberts)
Please note that Summer RE is combined for kids and youth from grades K-12 (ages 5 - 18). Come and join us for RE fun this summer! If you have questions or would like to sign up to help with Summer RE please contact our DRE Justin Ridley