Fellowship Funds available for Auction Equity

In order to allow as many congregants as possible to participate in our Annual Service Auction fundraiser, the Stewardship Team is happy to offer the opportunity to work volunteer hours in lieu of paying for service auction events.  

Here are the details:
-An hour of volunteer work is worth $20/hr. for auction credit
-There is a cap of 15 volunteer hours for credit per person
-The volunteer hours cannot be volunteer work that you are already doing for the church, but will be high-need volunteer areas determined by Rev. Tiffany and the Stewardship Team, but you will get some say in what you do

How it works:
You attend the service auction and bid like everyone else does.  Make sure not to bid more than $300 total or you will exceed the cap on hours
When it's time to check out, let the person checking you out know that you are going to pay with volunteer hours
Post auction someone will follow up with you to set up a time to review the list of high-need volunteer work, and together you will choose what to do
You will get an occasional follow-up from that person to see how you are making progress in your volunteer hours

For additional information or clarification please contact stewardship@hvuuc.org