Looking for Greeters and New Greeter Coordinator

We are looking for Greeters for Sunday mornings and also a new Greeters Coordinator!

As you may be aware, after more than 20 years of coordinating Greeters for our Sunday services, Sue S. has retired. Please give her a round of applause and a big thank you the next time you see her!  We are now looking for a new Greeter Coordinator. This person develops the Greeter schedule each year. After that, the Greeters are generally self-sustaining and trade with others if they are not able to serve on the dates they are expected.

If you have not been a Greeter in the past (or if it has been awhile), we would love for you to welcome congregants on Sunday mornings. If you have questions or are interested in participating as Greeter or Coordinator, please talk with Lori K, Membership Trustee, or email greeters@hvuuc.org  Most Greeters only serve three or four Sundays a year but if you want to do just one or two, that’s ok, too.  Thank you in advance for your help and participation!