Sharing Joy Collective Poem

During our June 2nd Audre Lorde service the congregation worked together to write a poem about Joy.  78 cards with images and phrases associated with joy were shared.  And while not all of them were able to be incorporated, the majority were.  Here's our group poetry project:
Communion of Joy

Joy. The light thru the window. You
And me, and everyone. Here together.
Chocolate and peanut butter
The grip of a newborn
Every breath we take. When we meet, in a smile

Joy is the favorite part of
Bohemian Rhapsody, sung with
Friends, top of lungs, loving as your dog
Loves you, a gentle hug when you enter a room

Feeling groovy. Feeling moody. Wind
In pines, dust wiped, a job well done
The people here that I love
Fireflies blinking. The presence. The presence

Honeysuckle. Cut grass. Green. Green. Green.
That wind in the pines, the stars
In the eyes of a child, lighting up
The day. When someone truly sees you

The warmth. The scented light. The first
Five minutes of sunrise, flowing
Water washing the mind

Joy is guitars and many voices combined
The love of community, a sorrow shared
In the caring. Joy is knowing
The true essence of being

Joy – a protest from my grief, breathing a collective
Sigh of relief to be after all, a collective.
The quiet arriving of goodness. Remembering love
Is love, and we grow like wildflowers every hour
We are together