Owning Your Religious Past Class

Owning Your Religious Past Class

Fall Adult Religious Education Special Class series co-facilitated by Rev. Tiffany Sapp and Director of Religious Education Sarah White

This specially designed Unitarian Universalist workshop series is for people who are wanting to examine their past religious connections in a way that invites them to bring the positive elements of those experiences forward, and release those that need to be left behind. The workshop provides some simple tools for processing personal experiences, some with group sharing and some through private exploration.

This five session class will meet on Sunday afternoons from 12:30pm to 2:30pm. We would like a commitment to attend all classes, but if one must be missed we can provide make-up materials.


  • 9/4

  • 9/18

  • 10/2

  • 10/16

  • 11/6

To sign up for the class please email minister@hvuuc.org

Soapbox Sunday

Soapbox Sunday

Soapbox Sunday is coming up and we want to hear from you!

Each Sunday that's closest to the Fourth of July, we invite members and friends of our congregation to take to the pulpit for a brief (4 minutes long, 400-500 words) presentation on a topic that you are passionate about.

In opening the floor to speakers, the congregation is celebrating an American tradition - freedom of speech. We hold that a "free and responsible search for truth and meaning" is a key Unitarian Universalist value that we embrace on this day.

Space is limited so email Rev. Tiffany with your topic idea to minister@hvuuc.org

General Assembly Forum

General Assembly Forum

On Sunday June 12th at 6:30pm on Zoom, anyone interested will gather to meet with Rev. Tiffany Sapp and our three delegates to General Assembly.

Rev. Tiffany will share what she knows about the agenda items for General Assembly that our delegates will be voting on, and then any participants in this forum will be able to ask questions and share their thoughts with our delegates.

We believe in the right of conscience and the power of the democratic process. This is your chance to make sure your voice is heard at General Assembly!

Click here to see the General Assembly Business Agenda. This Agenda describes the Business Resolutions and Election Candidates that our delegates will be voting on. Business Resolutions and Candidates start on page 80 of the pdf.

For questions, email minister@hvuuc.org

To register for this Zoom meeting, click here.

In-Person Game Night!

In-Person Game Night!

Join us for a pop up 4th Saturday game night on May 28th! Your game host's focus is on games considered a bit more 'involved.' This means games with maybe more rules or fiddly playing pieces than a simple party game... DiceForge, RoboRally, SmallWorld, Clank, Skull King, etc. all come to mind as potentials. No, we aren't limited to only those involved type of games, though. People can come and pitch all sorts of favorite games. If you want to lead a favorite game, you should be fluent in the rules and mechanics to be able to teach it to others.

DC Riders Needed!

DC Riders Needed!

Through the generosity of HVUUC and a few community members, we have successfully reserved a bus to the Poor People's Campaign! Now we need to fill the seats!

We need riders to represent HVUUC and Northeast TN to attend the Poor People's Campaign June 18th in Washington, DC. This will be a truly historic event and offers a unique learning experience that cannot be found in our educational systems.

It's a long day.. and so worthwhile! We meet at the Pinnacle Shopping parking lot at 1:00AM., arrive in DC about 9:00AM, return about 3:00PM and arrive home again at Pinnacle about 11:00PM.

We are planning a gathering June 12th to make signs. The buses have bathrooms, wifi and most have electrical outlets. It's uber comfortable ;)

If you want to learn some heart-breaking statistics about poverty issues in our state... watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSlG2AsM4P4

Sign up after church or email SJchair@hvuuc.org or call Bob Warner. Let's make history together!

The Eighth Principle Additional Resources

The Eighth Principle Additional Resources

During Rev. Tiffany's Eighth Principle sermon she referenced some resources to go deeper into this topic. Here are a few great places to start.

Eighth Principle Website, specifically the "background" page: https://www.8thprincipleuu.org/background

A few really key blog posts from Shannon Lang:



Sermon from Rev. Paula Cole Jones, one of the authors of the Eighth Principle, about the Eighth Principle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUvJ3c1xSu8

And Ibram X. Kendi's book "How to Be Antiracist": https://www.amazon.com/How-Be-Antiracist-Ibram-Kendi/dp/0525509283/

5th Sunday Offering May 29

5th Sunday Offering May 29

A 5th Sunday offering will be collected on May 29. In keeping with the second quarter focus on environmental issues, the Social Justice Committee has designated this offering to go to Jacob’s Nature Park.

A representative from the park will give a brief presentation during the service. Checks for donation should be made out to HVUUC with 5th Sunday offering in the memo line or donations may be made in cash. Checks can also be mailed to HVUUC.

Children and Youth RE

Children and Youth RE

Drum Roll, Please...

It's finally time to start recruiting for our Religious Education program! It has been a long, long 2 + years since our children and youth last had in person RE!

Here is what you need to know:

RE will be re-launching on August 21st. We will have classes on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:45 in the REZ building. Kids in 4-6th grade will have the opportunity to take Our Whole Lives comprehensive sexuality education classes. Kids and youth of other ages will have classes inspired by Makerspaces and banned books. Please get registered!
For adults- We have one Adult RE class (fondly referred to as Adult RE1) that is already meeting Sunday mornings. Traditionally we have also had Adult RE 2 which has typically been the parents of kids in RE. This group can resume at any time!

In order to make these things happen, we need volunteers. Being a teacher in an RE classroom is not as scary as you might think! We like to have 6-8 volunteers in each group so that everyone is on an easy rotation so that your spiritual needs can also be met in Adult RE several Sunday mornings a month.

The RE Collaborative will be offering a teacher training after the church service on Sunday, August 14th. Pizza will be provided!

Please e mail Sarah at DRE@HVUUC.ORG with questions or to volunteer.

In fellowship

General Assembly Forum

General Assembly Forum

On Sunday June 12th at 6:30pm on Zoom, anyone interested will gather to meet with Rev. Tiffany Sapp and our three delegates to General Assembly.

Rev. Tiffany will share what she knows about the agenda items for General Assembly that our delegates will be voting on, and then any participants in this forum will be able to ask questions and share their thoughts with our delegates.

We believe in the right of conscience and the power of the democratic process. This is your chance to make sure your voice is heard at General Assembly!

For questions, email minister@hvuuc.org

To register for this Zoom meeting, click here.

Memorial Wall

Memorial Wall

Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church members and friends,

When we lose a member from our beloved community through death we honor their name and memory with our Memorial Wall. The Memorial Wall is located outside, to the right of the sanctuary and includes the name, year of our friend’s birth, and year of their death.

In the year 2021 we memorialized one from our beloved community: Michael Jones

If you would like the name of someone in our community that has died to be added, you can fill out the form found found here.

Click to read more.

REMINDER: The Shared Pulpit Seminar

REMINDER: The Shared Pulpit Seminar

This event has been POSTPONED

Do you have something to say? Maybe it's time to say it during a Sunday morning service.

The idea of public speaking can be intimidating, but it can also be quite a feeling of accomplishment to communicate your ideas in a way that can get your point across, sharing it with your religious community.

Rev. Tiffany will be hosting a "Shared Pulpit Seminar" to give you the tips and tools you need to put together a 15 minute message. Attending this seminar does NOT obligate you to do any speaking, but it might be a great opportunity to think about the possibilities. We can only accommodate 12 people in this seminar so sign up soon.


Saturday May 14 from noon until 4pm, in-person.

Email minister@hvuuc.org to sign up.

Beware of Text and Email Scams

Just a heads up to be wary of any communications via text or email asking for you to buy something or send money!

A congregant was contacted by someone via text claiming to be Rev. Tiffany asking them to buy gift certificates. This has also happened by email.

Rev. Tiffany’s correct email is minister@hvuuc.org. Neither she nor anyone from HVUUC office would contact you in this way with a request to send money or purchase anything. If you are concerned of any request, please confirm with her or the church office (office@hvuuc.org).