Children and Youth RE

Drum Roll, Please...

It's finally time to start recruiting for our Religious Education program! It has been a long, long 2 + years since our children and youth last had in person RE!

Here is what you need to know:

RE will be re-launching on August 21st. We will have classes on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:45 in the REZ building. Kids in 4-6th grade will have the opportunity to take Our Whole Lives comprehensive sexuality education classes. Kids and youth of other ages will have classes inspired by Makerspaces and banned books. Please get registered!

For adults- We have one Adult RE class (fondly referred to as Adult RE1) that is already meeting Sunday mornings. Traditionally we have also had Adult RE 2 which has typically been the parents of kids in RE. This group can resume at any time!

In order to make these things happen, we need volunteers. Being a teacher in an RE classroom is not as scary as you might think! We like to have 6-8 volunteers in each group so that everyone is on an easy rotation so that your spiritual needs can also be met in Adult RE several Sunday mornings a month.

The RE Collaborative will be offering a teacher training after the church service on Sunday, August 14th. Pizza will be provided!

Please email Sarah at DRE@HVUUC.ORG with questions or to volunteer.

In fellowship