DC Riders Needed!

Through the generosity of HVUUC and a few community members, we have successfully reserved a bus to the Poor People's Campaign! Now we need to fill the seats!

We need riders to represent HVUUC and Northeast TN to attend the Poor People's Campaign June 18th in Washington, DC. This will be a truly historic event and offers a unique learning experience that cannot be found in our educational systems.

It's a long day.. and so worthwhile! We meet at the Pinnacle Shopping parking lot at 1:00AM., arrive in DC about 9:00AM, return about 3:00PM and arrive home again at Pinnacle about 11:00PM.

We are planning a gathering June 12th to make signs. The buses have bathrooms, wifi and most have electrical outlets. It's uber comfortable ;)

If you want to learn some heart-breaking statistics about poverty issues in our state... watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSlG2AsM4P4

Sign up after church or email SJchair@hvuuc.org or call Bob Warner. Let's make history together!