As we begin a new year and the second half of the fiscal year, we wanted to share how the Board of Trustees, committees, and volunteers have worked diligently to sustain our church and members during this very different year. During January we will share inspirational news about the state of the church.
For week 3 we’re sharing information about fellowship, membership, and the Caring Team.
Virtual coffee hour via Zoom, May 2020.
Fellowship has been challenging, but committees, task forces, and congregants have been creative for the last 10 months.
Meet Me in the Meadow BYO socially distanced church picnic Sept. 2020.
In March 2020, HVUUC got a Zoom subscription that all church groups can use to hold virtual fellowship and meetings. To schedule your virtual event, check the church calendar for availability then fill out this form.
On Sunday mornings beginning around 10:30 a.m. folx gather to text chat on YouTube before the service premieres at 11 a.m. Topics have included gardening, catching up on family stuff, music, recommendations for a variety of things, etc. Just chatting. Join us by clicking on the link for the service and going to the chat.
Virtual coffee hours (11:30 a.m. on 2nd Sundays) have been a fun way to keep in touch with old friends and new ones. Our next virtual coffee hour will be Feb. 14. You can always find the Zoom links under Events on the website.
Meet me in the Meadow was a socially distanced BYO picnic in September that Dana Y, Beth C, Linore H, and Cynthia G planned at Dana’s farm. The rules? Strict separation, no physical contact, mandatory masks. The result? A relaxing, uplifting event with an art competition, bingo, great music, and a bonfire.
We have had at least two covenant groups meet via Zoom as well as the BUUK group.
Some individuals have formed social “pods” or “bubbles” to support each other in person. Some bubbles have developed covenants of COVID precautions. Others fellowship outdoors at socially distant bonfires, porch brunches, and socially distant walks and hikes.
Membership—We have visitors!
If you are a visitor or would like information about Unitarian Universalism, Holston Valley UU Church in general, or membership specifically, please email
We have had several visitors to our virtual services over the last 10 months, and Phyllis C (Membership Development Committee chair), Michele M-F (Membership Trustee), and Rev. Briere have engaged with some of them via phone, email, and by dropping off information packets. One person even “visited” us from Connecticut! And this cohort has planned a Visitors and Newcomers Zoom event this March.
Bradley, our first pandemic member, now serves on the Religious Services Committee. He signed the membership book with Phyllis and Michele in the great outdoors (read socially distanced) at church in June.
Caring Team
If you have a joy or concern or a need with which the Caring Team might help, please email
The Caring Team started a Calling Tree Outreach at the suggestion of the Pandemic Task Force to help stay connected with members and friends who are listed in the HVUUC directory. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and follow-up calls will start this month.
The Memorial Reception Committee honored individuals and their families creatively since in-person receptions are not an option. The committee sent a floral plant to Dave Baccheschi in memory of his wife Belle and made a charitable donation to the Michael J. Fox Foundation in memory of Christine B’s father.
The Caring Team continues to help members and friends stay connected through sending numerous cards, phone calls, and emails, and they coordinated a meal train for a congregant in December.
The Board of Trustees is always available for your questions and comments. Please contact us if we can assist you at
In fellowship,
Dana York, President, Board of Trustees
Week 1: Finances
In week 1 we shared:
That the church’s finances are healthy.
How we are working together to keep them that way.
Week 2: Services, Music, & Religious Education
In Week 2 we shared:
How we have offered services as a team effort since the beginning of the pandemic.
How religious education has adapted with the help of great volunteers.
How the music program is evolving with the help of volunteers, technology, and our new music programs director.