Message regarding RE and the Coronavirus from our Director of Religious Education

Beloved Community,

 This email is to talk to you about some changes we’re making in response to the Coronavirus.

 After much contemplation, reading, and discussion with colleagues, I have decided to postpone our religious education classes starting this Sunday, and it’s probably safe to assume they will be cancelled at least for a few weeks.This is not a decision I made lightly.  

  • Many of our teachers fall into categories recommended by the CDC that they stay at home and avoid big crowds.  (Folks over 60, folks who are immunocompromised, etc.)  I am more worried about kids infecting them than the other way around!

  • I love you all and how strongly you feel about honoring your commitments.  I appreciate it deeply.  And I want it to be easy for folks who are sick to decide to stay home and honor our classroom safety policies by ensuring we are not short staffed.

  • As an organization we have responsibility to the community we live in.  I’ve seen article after article that talks about the importance of “social distancing” and how it helps “flatten” the pandemic curve. Take a look at this great article from Vox (with tons of links to read more):  We are in the position here to help flatten that curve somewhat, and we should do everything we can to uplift public health.

 This quote from UU Minister Rev. Christian Schmidt really speaks to me during this time:

 “Here's what I find anxiety-provoking about COVID-19, gatherings, and life in general these days: I have no idea if I'm overreacting, underreacting, or just-right reacting. It's impossible to know what's being alarmist vs. what's just being prudent, and we almost certainly have to act before we have a full picture of the issue.”

 I’d much rather be overreacting than underreacting.  Unfortunately, information is still emerging. I hope this is the most responsible approach for us to take, not just for our own community but for the wider community as well.

 You will hear more from the RE program and the church keeping you updated on our decisions going forward. 

 In Fellowship,

Sarah White