HVUUC's Response to Corona Virus Concerns

The leadership and staff of Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church (HVUUC) want to address some questions that have come up regarding church services in relationship to the spread of the novel corona virus (COVID-19). 

As of now, Sunday services will continue as scheduled.  We are monitoring the spread of COVID-19.  NIH and CDC guidelines have been reviewed. 

Our area has not been significantly touched by the pandemic.  When it is, Sunday services may be altered. We are currently researching options to provide uninterrupted Sunday services.

At this stage, it is recommended that we take precautions to prevent exposure and the spread of the virus. 

  • Stay home for 14 days if you have traveled to an area that is high risk for COVID-19.  Do the same if you have had contact with such a person.

  • Wash your hands upon entry and exit of church, for 20 seconds.  Dry completely.  If you are using sanitizer, work it around the fingernails and cuticles and don’t forget to cover the back of the hands.  Let air dry.

  • Cover your cough/sneeze.  Use a Kleenex/handkerchief to block coughs. Cough into the elbow or shoulder.

  • Don’t shake hands when greeting.  A bow, elbow bump (virus on elbow better than on hand because we constantly touch our face), or just friendly banter is very acceptable.

The older we are, the more we are affected by this virus. If you have serious conditions such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes then you are at higher risk of being very sick from COVID-19.  If you have any doubts about your medical conditions and your risk, contact your medical provider.

If you have doubts about attending church services due to medical conditions/age/perceived risks, then please stay home, guilt-free, and we will enjoy your company the next time we have it.

If you are intimately involved in a certain Sunday service: from greeter to security team, from sound tech to worship leader, from choir member to coffee hour host, please do not hesitate to stay home for self-care.  Let us know and someone will chip-in to fill the need.  And if it can’t be filled, then we will all understand, and be flexible.

The Board of Trustees is discussing the topic at the next meeting.  Please contact Larry Livengood at president@hvuuc.org with any comments or concerns that may need to be discussed.

The data is constantly evolving.  Please stay tuned for coming announcements regarding church services, religious education, and meetings at church. The safety of our beloved community is our highest priority, and may we all stay in good health.

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