Announcement regarding church service

After the most recent recommendations by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), media reports, and listening to the HVUUC staff, the Board of Trustees has voted to suspend church services for at least the next two Sundays (3/15 and 3/22).  Religious Education had previously announced suspension of activities.

The Board has to meet this Wednesday to discuss next steps and the regular agenda. If there are other groups or committees that need/want to meet, the CDC recommends staying 6 feet apart from one another.  If in doubt, don’t meet in person. Groups can take advantage of technology to hold virtual meetings if desired. If meeting is not critical, then postpone.

If you miss the social interaction that is so vital to the health of the congregation on Sundays, please call each other, visit, share a meal, enjoy a beverage of your choice, and know that when we come back we will be stronger, and will appreciate these interactions all the more.

We continue to search for other modes of providing Sunday services.

We will continue to monitor the situation and will try to come back as quickly, and as safely, as possible.   

If you have anything that you would like the Board to consider (pro or con) please contact the Board of Trustees at

Don’t forget to wash your hands, sanitize, cover your cough, and stay home if sick.