What's Happening July 14 - July 20

Sunday, July 14

9:30AM Children's Summer Religious Education - Join the summer RE group today for How to Read Your Favorite Children’s Story!

9:30AM Adult RE 1 -  Ancient Civilizations of North America Meet in the Meditation Hall, 2nd floor of the Religious Education building. 

9:30AM  Adult RE 2 - Join us as we watch and discuss a TED Talk.

11:00AM Worship Service: Social Justice: A Religious Perspective, Kenneth Bonner (see bio below)

This service will explore the religious mandates for social justice, and faith-based involvement in social justice causes.

12PM Potluck Lunch - Bring a dish to share and join us for our monthly potluck lunch.

12:45PM Church Safety Presentation - The Safety Team is hosting an educational session, “Church Safety in Dangerous Times” after the potluck lunch today. Sgt. Shane Ratliff, a Tennessee Homeland Security agent, will join us for a 1.5-2 hour session about ways to prepare for and survive attacks by active shooters, such tragic events increasingly occurring across the nation in churches, schools and public organizations. Training and advance planning are critical for reducing injuries and fatalities according to church Safety Team members whose research findings promote educational programs like we are offering on July 14 and again on August 11. Please plan to join us for a difficult discussion but a chance to learn ways to protect yourself and those you love. Due to this topic’s graphic nature, children under the age of 8 should not attend this session. Parents will gain helpful information to guide their private conversations with their own children. Childcare will be available.

Monday, July 15 - Friday, July 19

9AM Hogwarts Summer Camp

Tuesday, July 16

5:15PM Yoga with Tish - If you would like to try Yoga to help improve your core strength, balance, and ability to relax, please join a small group that meets in the Meditation Room in the RE building on Tuesday evenings from 5:15 to 6:30PM.

Wednesday, July 18

7PM Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting - This month the meeting will be in the Medication Hall, 2nd floor of the Religious Education building. All are welcome to join the board’s regular meetings. An agenda will be available a day or two before the meeting.

Kenneth Bonner Bio

Kenneth Bonner.jpg

Despite a past that included four Uniform Code of Military Justice Article 15 proceedings, three military court-martials, a sentence of life plus twenty years in the Tennessee State Penitentiary, and a disciplinary history of rebellion, Kenneth Bonner’s life is a remarkable journey of spiritual redemption and personal transformation. “My drug of choice was anger, and bitterness was the drink that consumed my heart. Had it not been for the amazing love of God, family, and special friends, my life would still be mired in rage and destruction.”

While incarcerated at the Northeast Correctional Complex, in October 1991, he founded the outreach program CAUSE (Creative Attitudes Undertaking Self Education). The CAUSE organization eventually evolved into the REACH (Restoring Excellence and Community Harmony) organization in December 2005. The CAUSE organization received state and national recognition for its self-improvement programs. He was the Principal Organizer of the Appalachian Freedom Advocates (AFA) Toastmasters Club. He served as President in the organization 1994, Vice-President of Education in 1995, and club adviser from 1996-1998. His leadership and guidance was an important factor in leading the AFA club to being ranked number 4 in the world for its membership classification and number 1 in district 63 for the 1995-1996 year. With over 8,000 Toastmasters clubs world-wide and District 63 being comprised of over 70 clubs; including all of east Tennessee, Southern Kentucky, and Southwest Virginia, this was no minor accomplishment.

Kenneth Bonner served 28 years in prison, and is now a respected community member residing in Johnson City, Tennessee. He is a small business owner; K&D Pressure Washing Service. In addition to his small business success, his passion for making a positive difference in the lives of others has driven him to establish the REACH Empowerment Organization, a nonprofit outreach dedicated to empowering individuals, families, and communities through personal accountability, spiritual growth, and personal excellence. He is a published inspirational author, having a story featured in Chicken Soup for The Prisoner’s Soul. Kenneth’s greatest sense of joy comes from God, family, and working to make a positive difference.

His inspiring messages of hope, mercy, gratitude, and forgiveness are intense, and empowering. Kenneth’s greatest joy comes from inspiring positive change and stronger relationships with God. Kenneth travels local, regional, and national. He is available to speak at church programs, conferences, community events, evangelistic outreach, workshops, revivals and retreats