Our Governance

The President is the chairperson of the board; when present, preside at all business meetings of the church and of the board; and represents the church in duties incident to the office.
The Vice President performs such duties as prescribed by the board and in absence of the President performs the duties of the President; under normal circumstances is willing to accept the nomination for the next presidency if so requested by the Nominating Committee.

The Past President provides continuity between new and old board members and progress toward the church’s mission.
The Secretary-Historian keeps accurate records of the transactions of all church business meetings of the congregation and board; compiles a record of activities and achievements of the church; researches church records when so requested and other duties incident to the office.
The Treasurer has custody of all funds belonging to the church unless otherwise designated by the board; receives, deposits and disburse such funds under the direction and to the satisfaction of the board; keeps full and accurate accounts of the finances of the church, and performs other duties incident to the office.
The Facilities Trustee oversees the safety, security, maintenance, repair and good appearance of the building and grounds of the church.
The Stewardship Trustee manages and oversees the financial well-being of the church and assists the Board and Congregation on current and long-term aspects of church financial fiscal policy. 
The Programs Trustee serves as board liaison, monitors and coordinator for three committees of the church:

  • The Religious Education Committee,
  • the Religious Services Committee, and
  • the Music Committee

The Membership Trustee serves as the board liaison for all of the many volunteers who enrich our church by helping develop membership and nurture community building within our congregation. The teams for which the Membership Trustee is the board liaison include:

  • Membership Development
  • Fellowship
  • Caring
  • Membership Administration