Interview with an AI

Interview with an AI

Join us for church on March 24, 2024!

  • 9:30am Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:00pm Coffee Hour

Interview with an AI

Questions abound about Artificial Intelligence. Are they beneficial for us or harmful? Are they going to take all our jobs? Are they going to take over the world? Where do they come from and what is their purpose? Rev. Tiffany interviews an AI with these pressing questions and more, and we hear from a friend of the congregation who is studying AI as part of her graduate studies.

Passing of Tom Burns

Passing of Tom Burns

With a heavy heart, we share with you the sad news that Tom Burns’ struggle with post-surgery complications came to an end as he passed away during the night between March 7th and March 8th.  Martha shares that he fought a valiant battle, and we share with her our astonishment that we would lose Tom over a surgery that had such a small change of complications.  Martha and their daughters are supporting each other right now.  Martha shares that she doesn’t need anything right now, but that cards, texts and messages are appreciated.  A Celebration of Life will be held at the church in June.

Social Justice 5th Sunday Speaker on 3/24/24

Social Justice 5th Sunday Speaker on 3/24/24

The Social Justice Committee invites DEI Alliance as its 5th Sunday speaker on 3/24/2024, due to the 5th Sunday being Easter. Since 2015, DEI Alliance has been working to create and build momentum for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) throughout the region. Their hope is to transform the environment of northeast Tennessee and southwest Virginia, so its residents and visitors can thrive.

You can learn more at

Universalist Love: Widening the Circle

Universalist Love: Widening the Circle

Join us for church on March 17, 2024!

  • 9:30am Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:00pm Coffee Hour

“Universalist Love: Widening the Circle”

A dive into Unitarian Universalist history reveals classist roots that disenfranchised the poor and working class among our ranks, and within our communities. Together we will examine our past and discuss how to move forward in our mission to widen the circle for all.

HVUUC Nature Trail

HVUUC Nature Trail

Did you know that we have a walking trail here at HVUUC?

The idea of a walking trail on church property has been around for many years. There had been a couple of earlier unsuccessful efforts to cut one. In 2019, Charlie Mattioli took the lead in organizing a group of church members to plan, flag, cut and develop a trail that would be 5-8 feet wide and follow easy terrain. The trail starts in the far left-hand corner of the church’s front parking lot, winds through the woods to the lower parking lot and ends in front of the church.

Click here to learn more about this treasured feature of our grounds.

Why Pledge?

Why Pledge?

The only way to create a budget, which you will be voting on April 28th, is by each person at HVUUC to say how much money you can afford to keep the lights on and pay our wonderful staff. This is called a pledge. Please consider pledging, (donations collected during church do not help in determining the budget). Below is the pledge card. You can write to me by email to Please email me or call me if you have any questions, phone number is in the Directory. I need all pledges in by March 24th.
Thank you Greg Kramer

Pledge Letter
It is that time of the year when I, the Stewardship Trustee, ask all our church members and friends how much they intend to pledge to the church for our next fiscal year, June 1, 2024, through May 31, 2025.  I will then take this amount to the Board of Trustees to develop next year’s budget.  The budget that the Board proposes will be voted on at our annual congregational meeting on April 28th.

Why do I ask you to pledge?

If you are giving to the church when we pass the plate, Thank You! When you pledge, I can add this to our budget plan as I mentioned above. When we make our budget, the Stewardship Committee can only use pledges to make the Budget. We have an increase in our preliminary budget, what each committee asked for, and salary increases for our wonderful staff. Can I ask you to donate $4.00 a week or $200.00 a year?

We have so much to celebrate this past year! It is through your donations we have been able to afford the Church Services in person and on YouTube, wonderful music during services, Religious Classes led by Rev Tiffany, Covenant Groups, Religious Ed for our Adults and Children, Wednesday Night Suppers, the Giving Tree, Special Interest Groups and more!

If you are able, I would like you to fill out the pledge form below by March 24th and return it by mail or add it to the collection plate any Sunday or contact me via email or phone with your pledge amount.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  

Click here to download a pledge card.

Thank you,

Greg Kramer
Stewardship Trustee
Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church  

PO Box 8383
Johnson City TN 37615

Brick by Brick

Brick by Brick

Join us for church on March 10, 2024!

  • 9:30am Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:00pm Coffee Hour

  • 12:15pm Choir Rehearsal

“Brick by Brick”

How are we building the Beloved Community here? What do we each bring and how can we put all of our vision, talents and resources together in a way that helps us work together for transformation, justice, wonder, and love?  Let's imagine together in this highly interactive service.

Ostara Celebration and Ritual

Ostara Celebration and Ritual

CUUPS will host a celebration of Ostara/the spring equinox.  We will gather to decorate at 5 pm. Ritual and activities will begin at 6 pm.

Come celebrate Ostara with the CUUPS group!  We shall be observing the spring equinox. Activates include a ritual, decorating eggs, singing, chanting and drumming.

Email with any questions.

Tree Day!

Tree Day!

HVUUC is serving again this year as one of 162 pick-up sites across the state for the TN Environmental Council’s native tree planting event! Tree Day is March 16th , 2024. On the morning of March 15th on the HVUUC back porch we will organize and bundle seedlings and prepare them for distribution. On March 16th , we will be open for community members who have ordered trees to pick them up 9:00 am-1:00 pm.

Volunteers are needed to help one or both days. Also, the tree crew needs clean plastic shopping bags and newspaper for bundling orders. You can drop either in the Tree Day box in the Fred Ball room during February. Thank you!

To learn more about trees or to order trees:

If you would like to help please email

Idolatries of the Mind and Spirit

Idolatries of the Mind and Spirit

Join us for church on March 3, 2024!

  • 9:30am Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

Idolatries of the Mind and Spirit

The fifth source of Unitarian Universalism is "Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit." And we've always had a health representation of skeptics, atheists and agnostics here in our community. How does the guidance of reason help us be better humans?

Wednesday Night Supper

Wednesday Night Supper

February's  Wednesday Night supper will showcase  the delicious casserole  that our church makes for Kitchen of Hope once a month, accompanied by salad, bread and desserts as usual.

Must RSVP by this Sunday February 25th.

Email or fill out the sign up sheet in the Fellowship Hall.

The price for this delightful time of fellowship and good food :

  • $8 per person

  • $15 for two people

  • $5 for kids under 12