The Two Paths of Awe

The Two Paths of Awe

Join us for church on February 18, 2024!

  • 9:30am Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:15pm Music Committee

  • 12:15pm Garden Club

  • 12:30pm Social Justice Committee

“The Two Paths of Awe”

What do you think of, when you think of those "Wow" moments we experience in life? Do you want to whoop and cheer and clap? Or do you want to sit in awestruck silence? Come explore with your community how both of these approaches work, and both do something important for the human experience.

Scam Email Alert

Scam Email Alert

Church family, it appears that someone is phishing again: pretending to be a leader in our congregation in order to access sensitive information. This time, pretending to be our board President in order to access our directory. Please don’t ever give out passwords or buy gift cards for anyone in our congregation via email. Please always make a phone call to verify, or just ignore it!

Speaker from Final Exit Network

Speaker from Final Exit Network

During Sunday, February 25th's service we will have a speaker presenting from the Final Exit Network. There will also be a presentation following the service with a slideshow and question and answer time.

Please bring a brown bag lunch if you plan to stay for the session after the service. For more information on the FEN please visit their website:

Email with any questions.

Contemplation Through Photography

Contemplation Through Photography

Join us for church on February 11, 2024!

  • 9:30am Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:15pm Choir Rehearsal

“Contemplation Through Photography”

Lent has traditionally been a time of contemplation and fasting in the Christian tradition. Unitarian Universalist Christians have taken a broader view of this time, with the #UULent photo-a-day spiritual practice. Last year Rev. Tiffany managed to participate in every day of the observance, taking photos and writing reflections based on the key word given for the day. She shares what she learned last year as she gears up for another season of practice, and reflects on how times and practices of intentional contemplation can be beneficial to people of every belief and no belief.

Ash Wednesday Gathering

Ash Wednesday Gathering

For our UU Christians and for those who are just curious, we will be having an Ash Wednesday gathering with ashes and communion on Wednesday 2/14 from 5:45pm to 6:45pm. The liturgy we will be using was created by Unitarian Universalist Minister and UUA Board Member Rev. Sam Trumbore, and is designed for small group contemplation.

For more information contact Rev. Tiffany at

Change: The Only Constant

Change: The Only Constant

Join us for church on February 4, 2024!

  • 9:30am Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:00pm Coffee Hour

  • 1:00pm Religious Trauma Workshop

“Change: The Only Constant”

There’s no question: 2024 is going to be a year of change. Of course - what year isn’t? When change feels unsettling or scary, how do we shift our relationship with anticipation of change? Our faith calls us to the work of transformation. How can we work to embrace the change that is coming? How can we learn from our own relationship and reactions to change how to deepen our call to transformation within ourselves and our faith communities? 

Choir Rehearsal

Choir Rehearsal

Volunteer Choir Leader, Rachel Reece, will be hosting Bi-weekly Choir Rehearsals for a 3-month trial period from February to May on the 2nd and 4th Sunday following Sunday Services. Grab your coffee and hugs then head over to the piano with your hymnals for some exercises and fun community time with other music lovers as part of our Music Program.

Activism as a Spiritual Practice

Activism as a Spiritual Practice

Join us for church on January 28, 2024!

  • 9:30am Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:20pm Special Presentation by Amerika Grewal about the injustice at the Texas border.

“Activism as a Spiritual Practice”

Annual Social Justice Sunday: Mark will speak about the significance of having a spiritual foundation for our civic activism and the intersection of UU Principles with our civic responsibilities.

Social Justice Sunday & 5th Sunday Collection

Social Justice Sunday & 5th Sunday Collection

Social Justice Sunday - January 28th

On our annual Social Justice Sunday – January 28 – we welcome Mark Mohundro from the Tennessee Valley UU Church in Knoxville, speaking on “Activism as a Spiritual Practice.” Mark is a well-known speaker at Churches across the state and is the organizer of the TN State UU Action Network, an embryo network coming together for state collective action by TN UUs on matters of significance, including advocacy in social justice matters. His message will highlight the significance of having a spiritual foundation for our civic activism and the intersection of UU Principles with our civic responsibilities.

League of Women Voters – 5th Sunday Collection

Our intended 5th Sunday Collection for December will be postponed to January 28, when we will show our support for the good work of the Northeast Tennessee Chapter of the League of Women Voters. Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy. This is the non- partisan mission of the League. Many believe American democracy is on the ballot in 2024. League President Gywnn Mettetal, a UU supporter, will be with us, along with other League members, to chat with us during Coffee Hour.

Interested in joining our Social Justice team? Email any questions to

Gerald Keep Photo Project

Gerald Keep Photo Project

Holston Valley UU Church is collecting photos of Gerald Keep for a slideshow that will play during his Memorial Service on February 3rd.

If you have any digital photos to share, please share them to this Google Drive folder:

The deadline for photo sharing in order for them to be added to the slideshow is Tuesday, January 30th.

Special Guest Speaker after Church this Sunday - Amerika Grewal

Special Guest Speaker after Church this Sunday - Amerika Grewal

This Sunday, January 28th after the service at 12:20PM

Amerika Grewal will host a 30-minute interactive presentation with Q&A session, totaling about 1 hour. Attendees will emerge with a better understanding of the situation at the US border in Texas, as well as a solid plan to counter hate at home and in the community.

Amerika is a former HVUUC member who has lived all over the world. She currently bears direct witness to injustice at the border and Texas policy. The influx of asylum seekers and economic refugees into Texas coupled with the defiance of the State of Texas towards Homeland Security and numerous lawsuits about this have the potential to radically reshape the culture, economy, environment, and politics of the United States. The arrival of militia groups in Eagle Pass only underscores the need to address these issues in public forums and work on identifying and acting on our values.

Click through for further details and information.