Special Guest Speaker after Church this Sunday - Amerika Grewal

This Sunday, January 28th after the service at 12:20PM

Amerika Grewal will host a 30-minute interactive presentation with Q&A session, totaling about 1 hour. Attendees will emerge with a better understanding of the situation at the US border in Texas, as well as a solid plan to counter hate at home and in the community.

Amerika is a former HVUUC member who has lived all over the world. She currently bears direct witness to injustice at the border and Texas policy. The influx of asylum seekers and economic refugees into Texas coupled with the defiance of the State of Texas towards Homeland Security and numerous lawsuits about this have the potential to radically reshape the culture, economy, environment, and politics of the United States. The arrival of militia groups in Eagle Pass only underscores the need to address these issues in public forums and work on identifying and acting on our values.

BIO: Amerika Garcia Grewal grew up in Eagle Pass and has fond memories of canoeing on the Rio Grande with her father, which led to her lifelong love of water and paddling. The 2023 bulldozing of the banks of the Rio Grande and the record-breaking number of people dying while trying to make it to the United States spurred her to action. Her experience living and working around the world and witnessing different immigration policies and approaches first hand convinced her that there is a better way to handle border safety than concertina wire and buoys, now she works to spread the message, beginning with her local city council.

ABOUT THE BORDER VIGIL: The Border Vigil holds the monthly Rio Grande Memorial Vigil / Vigilia Memorial del Río Bravo in remembrance of the needless loss of life along the Rio Grande. Victims are not named during the vigil, partly because the families are not always able to release the names in time for the vigil at the beginning of each month, but also because many of the dead along the Rio Grande cannot be identified; their names are as lost as their dreams of a better future. Look for Border Vigil on Facebook or email bordervigil@gmail.com for more information.

ABOUT THE COALITION: The Eagle Pass Border Coalition is a local organization that advocates for a humane and compassionate approach to border safety and immigration issues. The coalition opposes the construction of a new border wall and supports the rights and dignity of migrants and border residents. The coalition also organizes events and activities to raise awareness and foster solidarity between the communities of Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras


Further reading for those interested or unable to attend:

Jan 11, 2024 https://www.tpr.org/border-immigration/2024-01-11/gov-abbotts-operation-lone-star-seized-control-of-a-public-park-on-the-border-overnight-residents-protest

Jan 11, 2024 https://fox5sandiego.com/news/border-report/state-takes-over-border-park-in-eagle-pass-indefinitely-mayor-says/

December 21, 2023 https://www.democratsabroad.org/312781/hispanic_voting_texas_barrier

September 18, 2023 https://www.democratsabroad.org/312781/hispanic_voting_texas_barrier

September 12, 2022 https://www.texastribune.org/2022/09/12/texas-border-security-democrats/