According to our Congregation's policies, any time a new policy is proposed to be added to our Board Policy book, there is a "first reading" during a Board meeting where the Board votes to approve the policy. It is then shared with the congregation along with an email address to submit comments to the Board about the proposed policy. After the comment period, the Board will have a "second reading" where they can make amendments and vote on the policy. Only after going through this process does a new policy become part of the Congregation's Policy Book.
The following policy has been voted by the Board of Trustees (BoT) to send to the congregation for comment:
The BoT has developed a new policy about types of groups within the church and the privileges granted to them. There are some groups at HVUUC that are integral to the operation of the church like Choir, Social Justice, Small Group Ministries, Youth Group, etc. There are other fellowship groups that use the church facilities but do not ask for funding from the Church as a line item on our budget like MACHO, Women’s Group, BUUK Group, etc. And there are, or may be, other fellowship groups that would like to use the Church facilities and be funded as part of the church budget. To address the differences in the way both fellowship groups would be handled, the Board proposes the following:
Types of Groups and Their Privileges
The definition of a ‘Group’ is the following:
· A number of people, including church members and friends
· People gather to do one or many activities for fellowship or education
· They are not a standing Committee of the church
· Their existence is acknowledged by Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church
· To form a Group, a minimum of (5) church members or friends must be committed to being members of the Group. Group of this size is called a ‘Level One Group’.
Privileges of a Level One Group are the following:
· Having a church email address
· Receiving support from the office and minister
· Having the ability to reserve the building or rooms in the church building
· Having the Group’s events in the church calendar and e-news
· Level One Groups do not have a line in the church budget nor are they provided funding from the church.
If a Group would like funding from the church, they would have to become a ‘Level Two Group’. The requirements to become a Level Two Group are:
· At least five (5) members of the Group are church members and friends
· A written structure of organized leadership, including a process of rotating leadership
· A written internal covenant with the leadership and its members
· A written covenant with the Board
· A mission statement
· Meet at least four (4) times a fiscal year
· A record of attendance of every meeting submitted to their designated Board Trustee
· A yearly report submitted to their designated Board Trustee
The privileges of a Level Two Group are all privileges of a Level One Group as well as the ability to be funded by the church. In exchange for being funded by the church, Level Two Groups are required to do at least two (2) of the following every fiscal year:
· Conduct and clean up Coffee Hour at least four (4) times a fiscal year
· Provide a Sunday service one (1) time a fiscal year
· Provide a Sunday potluck and clean up at least two (2) times a fiscal year
· Offer at least one item or service at the annual church auction
· Have at least 75% of Group members participate in church work days
· Conduct a fundraiser where the proceeds will be donated to the church
· Any item(s) or service(s) that is approved by the current Minister
The Board has full oversight and final say on funding Groups and which Groups qualify.
If you have any comments for or against this policy, please email your comments to by February 16, 2025, so that your comments can be reviewed prior to the Board's final vote on this policy.