Looking for Techies

Looking for Techies

Our Sunday Services need several tech-savy people every week to make them happen.  If this is your cup of tea, please get added to our list of helpers by emailing tech@hvuuc.org

We need people to run the video camera, run any videos we have in the service, and do video production after the service ends to get our videos on YouTube.  All jobs come with some training, and if you want to do video editing and don't have your own software, we can provide some.  This may be the way to find your niche here at HVUUC!



April 23rd will be a very special Sunday where we gather for a church work day instead of a traditional sermon. This gathering invites you to come in clothes you don't mind getting dirty, as we get to work around the church! Religious communities, especially Buddhist temples, have a cherished tradition of making caring for our land and building a spiritual practice.

We will gather at 11:00AM and begin with a blessing before dividing into groups organized by our Facilities Task Force to work on projects that are much needed for the building and our grounds.

We will still have nursery and Religious Education classes.

There will also be projects for the kids, and we will have tasks for people who need gentler sitting tasks as well. If you've never participated in a work day before you will really enjoy the camaraderie that is built, and the satisfaction that comes from seeing our sacred space renewed!

Pizza will be provided!

There will be no YouTube service uploaded this week.

April 23 Work Day Service

April 23 Work Day Service

April 23rd will be a very special Sunday where we gather for a church work day instead of a traditional sermon. This gathering invites you to come in clothes you don't mind getting dirty, as we get to work around the church! Religious communities, especially Buddhist temples, have a cherished tradition of making caring for our land and building a spiritual practice.

We will gather at 11:00AM and begin with a blessing before dividing into groups organized by our Facilities Task Force to work on projects that are much needed for the building and our grounds.

We will still have nursery and Religious Education classes.

There will also be projects for the kids, and we will have tasks for people who need gentler sitting tasks as well. If you've never participated in a work day before you will really enjoy the camaraderie that is built, and the satisfaction that comes from seeing our sacred space renewed!

Pizza will be provided!

There will be no YouTube service uploaded this week.

Kitchen of Hope Looking for Volunteers

Kitchen of Hope Looking for Volunteers

Imagine not knowing the when or where of your next meal. The Kitchen of Hope serves dinner to well over 100 neighbors in Kingsport every day except Sundays. HVUUC has served on the first Monday of the month for several years. The need keeps growing. We're trying to start a second team to serve on the first Tuesday. Can you help?

We split up the tasks, to keep them manageable:

  • Preppers work roughly 1-3:15 PM, getting the carryout containers ready

  • Cooks work roughly noon-2 PM, depending on the menu

  • Servers work roughly 3-5:30 PM, including post-meal cleanup

No experience needed--we'll show you everything you need to know. It's lots of fun, too!
If you want to know more, or can help on either day--in any capacity--even if only SOMEtimes--please contact KOH@HVUUC.org or Kim Ray. Thanks very much!

Annual Congregational Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting

We will hold our Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, April 30th immediately following the church service in the sanctuary. Childcare will be provided. Anyone who has been an official member of HVUUC for at least 60 days as of April 30th is eligible to vote at the meeting.

This will be an in-person event only. For those of you who are concerned about Covid, we will be providing seating in the Fred Ballroom and (weather permitting) on the back deck. We will have speakers available in both those locations. We will also have a runner that will count votes from those areas and run them to the front tallying area. We sincerely hope this will quell your concerns and allow you to attend. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ann Johnson at president@hvuuc.org

Foster Care Programs, and the Needs in our Community

Foster Care Programs, and the Needs in our Community

Join us for church on Sunday, April 16, 2023.

9:30am Religious Education, 11:00am Service

Foster Care programs, and the needs in our community.

A panel interview with our own Jon Anderson, a clinical therapist for Camelot’s in Kingsport, and Jacob Meadows, a foster care recruiter and trainer with Youth Villages. They will talk about foster care numbers and the needs here in our region.

Agenda for 2023 Annual Congregational Meeting

Agenda for 2023 Annual Congregational Meeting

Agenda for 2023 Annual Congregational Meeting

Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church


1.      Welcome and Call to Order

2.      Establish Quorum

3.      Board and Nominating Committee Slate of Nominees for the 2023/2024 Fiscal Year

4.      Budget

5.     Motion 1: Joseph Viola “I move that HVUUC bestow the honor of Minister Emeritus upon Reverend Jeff Briere for his loyal and dedicated service.”

6.     Motion 2: Joseph Viola "I move we place a flag that has been flown over our nation's capital building in the foyer of the church, and further that it be moved into the sanctuary on patriotic holidays."

7.      Additional Motions from the floor

8.      Thank you and Adjournment

No Zoom at Congregational Meeting/Other Accommodation

No Zoom at Congregational Meeting/Other Accommodation

Running Zoom during the Congregational Meeting (April 30th immediately following the service) would, in principle, allow people to participate from home.  Unfortunately, we will not be able to make Zoom work at the congregational meeting. Cell service and wi-fi at the church are just too sketchy to guarantee that we could make it work for the whole meeting.


For those of you who are concerned about Covid, we will be providing seating in the Fred Ballroom and (weather permitting) on the back deck. We will have speakers available in both those locations. We will also have a runner that will count votes from those areas and run them to the front tallying area. We sincerely hope this will quell your concerns and allow you to attend. Sorry for the inconvenience. 


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ann Johnson at president@hvuuc.org

Seven Questions about proposed Article 2 Revisions

Seven Questions about proposed Article 2 Revisions

Seven Questions about proposed Article 2 Revisions

A big thank you to everyone who participated in the Article 2 Revision workshops. Great conversation and in-sights came out of both meetings. One exercise that we engaged in was a Question List during these workshops, with the promise that I would share them with the congregation. I think that these Questions could be helpful for all of us. So here they are:

Everything is Holy Now

Everything is Holy Now

Join us for church on Sunday, April 9, 2023.

9:30am Religious Education, 11:00am Service

Special Easter instrumental music is coming to us from visiting guest musicians, as well as a UU classic song performed by our own Guerry McConnell.

Everything is Holy Now

We hope you’ll join us for Easter Sunday.  We will be looking at the life and message of Jesus, but from the perspective of the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, two gnostic gospels that didn’t make it into the Bible, at least in part because of their egalitarian message.

After the service, there will be an Easter Egg Hunt hosted by the Religious Education Collaborative.  Kids will meet on the deck after the service to get a basket and wait for the hunt to begin around 12:30. Come ready for a good time and a special appearance by the Easter Bunny!

Southern Region Staff offer online Article II Processing Session

Southern Region Staff offer online Article II Processing Session

Article II Processing Session
A space for lay leaders to connect and reflect on Article II
May 6, 9:00 a.m. Central Time/10:00 a.m. Eastern Time (2 hours)
Congregational lay leaders are invited to come together for a processing session on the proposed changes to Article II of our UUA Bylaws. Our time together will include a brief talk on the History, Governance, and Polity that guided this process, along with guided discussion in breakout groups with your fellow leaders. This event will be facilitated by Southern Region Congregational Life staff.
To prepare for this event please read the Article II Study Report.
Please note - registration spaces are limited. Registration will close on April 30th (or earlier if we’ve reached our maximum capacity). Register today!

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

The RE Collaborative is hosting an Easter Egg Hunt for kids on Sunday, April 9th, at 12:30 following the service. Kids should meet on the deck after the service to get a basket and wait for the hunt to begin. Come ready for a good time and a special appearance by the Easter Bunny!

Scam Alert!

Scam Alert!

Scam Alert! Hackers are at it again posing as Rev. Tiffany in emails.

Please remember that no one from the church will ever contact you asking for money or favors that involves spending personal funds on an errand for our staff.

If something doesn't feel right, it's probably not right! Please help us spread the word so no one is fooled.