Agenda for 2023 Annual Congregational Meeting

Agenda for 2023 Annual Congregational Meeting

Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church


1.      Welcome and Call to Order

2.      Establish Quorum

3.      Board and Nominating Committee Slate of Nominees for the 2023/2024 Fiscal Year

4.      Budget

5.     Motion 1: Joseph Viola “I move that HVUUC bestow the honor of Minister Emeritus upon Reverend Jeff Briere for his loyal and dedicated service.”

6.     Motion 2: Joseph Viola "I move we place a flag that has been flown over our nation's capital building in the foyer of the church, and further that it be moved into the sanctuary on patriotic holidays."

7.      Additional Motions from the floor

8.      Thank you and Adjournment