Imagine not knowing the when or where of your next meal. The Kitchen of Hope serves dinner to well over 100 neighbors in Kingsport every day except Sundays. HVUUC has served on the first Monday of the month for several years. The need keeps growing. We're trying to start a second team to serve on the first Tuesday. Can you help?
We split up the tasks, to keep them manageable:
Preppers work roughly 1-3:15 PM, getting the carryout containers ready
Cooks work roughly noon-2 PM, depending on the menu
Servers work roughly 3-5:30 PM, including post-meal cleanup
No experience needed--we'll show you everything you need to know. It's lots of fun, too!
If you want to know more, or can help on either day--in any capacity--even if only SOMEtimes--please contact or Kim Ray. Thanks very much!