A Tale of Two Kings: Politics and Religion

Rainbow Chalices: All of who you are is sacred. All of who you are is welcome. - Unitarian Universalism

Join us for church on January 19, 2024!

  • 9:30am Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:00pm Coffee Hour

  • 4:00pm Youth Group

A Tale of Two Kings: Politics and Religion

What do Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and King John Sigusmund of Transylvania have to teach us about the intersection of politics and religion? Join Rev. Tiffany for this exploration of two important historical figures, how they impacted both Unitarian Universalism and the wider world.

You also can watch the service on YouTube at your leisure. It will be uploaded by midnight each Sunday evening— visit our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMTJ_f2aIwNXWjepg8OXLHg

You can turn on Closed Captions using the “CC” button at the bottom of the viewing window.

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