Newsletter Birthdays — Congregation News — Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church

Newsletter Birthdays

Happy Birthday! Feliz Cumpleanos! Congratulations! Buon Cumpleanno! E ku asheye ojo ibi! Bon Anniversaire!

Long ago, when HVUUC (paper) newsletters arrived to (USPS) mailboxes, they included a list of member and friend birthdays occurring that month. Where did all the birthdays go? We’re not sure but we are proposing to bring them back.

Members, friends, and staff: Would you like to add your birthday (month and day only) to the monthly newsletter? It’s free! Discontinue at any time. If you would like to opt in, send your name that we know you by (first and last) and your birthday (month and day) to  or contact Lori. Parents/caregivers opt in for folks under 18 years old.

Interest will be determined by the number of responses received in January, so please don’t wait until your birthday month to reply. Thank you and bring out the cake!
