Stewardship Campaign Outcome

In late February, we presented our goals for the church in the 2021-2022 Preliminary Budget and set targets for the Stewardship Campaign to raise the necessary pledges. Over the course of March, there has been a great response from 77 pledge units with a median increase of 10% in the pledge amount. Based on these results a Proposed Budget was constructed and sent out to the congregation a few days ago. It can be found on this page with information about our 2021 Annual Congregational Meeting

Your pledges have provided complete funding for the goals of the Preliminary Budget! It is worth noting that there were unknowns in February, so we set a high target to be safe. We did not hit the high target you initially saw, but as we now have more information of actual costs, you will see the Proposed Budget will cover all the goals we discussed before.

Thank you so much for collectively supporting our mission!