What's Happening September 8 - September 14

Sunday, September 8

9:30AM - 10:45AM Children's Religious Education classes. Please register your child here RE Registration

RE Classes this year: PreK-2nd grade, 3rd-5th grade, and Jr/Sr Youth (6th-12th grade).

All children must be potty trained to participate in Religious Education. We do have childcare available in our nursery for those not quite old enough for R.E.

9:30AM Adult RE 1 -  Native Americans of South America. Meet in the Meditation Hall, 2nd floor of the Religious Education building. 

9:30AM  Adult RE 2 - From September 8 through October 13th, Adult RE 2 will be working through a 6 week session titled, Parents and Guardians As Spiritual Guides, which brings spiritual growth into the home, where the communion and rituals of family life can support the dynamic process of faith development.

11:00AM Worship Service: “Water Communion”, Rev. Briere

The annual service wherein we bring water to co-mingle, signifying the different things we bring to our religious community.

12PM Potluck Lunch - Bring a dish to share and join us for our monthly potluck lunch.

Tuesday, September 10

5:15PM Yoga with Tish - If you would like to try Yoga to help improve your core strength, balance, and ability to relax, please join a small group that meets in the Meditation Room in the RE building on Tuesday evenings from 5:15 - 6:30PM.

Saturday, September 14

6PM Macho Group Event - The MACHO group is meeting at Doug C's house in Jonesborough on Saturday, Sept 14th, 6-10pm for some food, outdoor games and a backslapping good time. Beef and veggie hot dogs, buns, ice and all the fixings will be provided. Bring your choice of beverage, a lawn chair, outdoor games, and, if you choose, a light snack or side. Nothing that requires silverware. IF it rains, no worries, we'll hang out on the carport. Feel free to bring a friend. Check your directory for address or email macho@hvuuc.org