What's Happening August 25 - August 31

Sunday, August 25

9:30AM - 10:45AM Children's Religious Education classes. Please register your child here RE Registration

RE Classes this year: PreK-2nd grade, 3rd-5th grade, and Jr/Sr Youth (6th-12th grade).

All children must be potty trained to participate in Religious Education. We do have childcare available in our nursery for those not quite old enough for R.E.

9:30AM Adult RE 1 -  Native Americans of South America. Meet in the Meditation Hall, 2nd floor of the Religious Education building. 

9:30AM  Adult RE 2 - Join us as we watch and discuss a TED Talk.

11:00AM Worship Service: Us vs. Them, Roddy Biggs

What good does it do “Us” to cast judgment on others, to point fingers, and to make claims to be better than someone else or another? What do we even gain out of doing so? Do we even gain anything at all? Why is it that we feel the need even to do it in the first place? Can’t we all get along? Join us in beloved community as we work to understand "Us" Vs "Them" mentality and the toxic culture it creates.

Roddy Biggs is an East Tennessee native, and a member of both Tennessee Valley UU, in Knoxville TN. and at First UUChurch of Nashville where he is worship associate, a lay leader and co-chair for the Social Justice Committee. He is a student at Middle Tennessee State University working on a bachelor degree before heading off to Seminary to pursue UU ministry. As part of his studying and pre-seminary work, they are working on and giving sermons through various church's pulpit supply programs and are grateful for the opportunities to do so. Roddy is a very social justice driven person, and its shown by their work with groups like the Human Rights Campaign, GLSEN, and many more.

12PM Fellowship Hour - Join us for coffee, snacks, and fellowship after the service.

12:20PM cUUps meeting in the Sanctuary.

1PM Families Group Brunch and Book Swap - The Families Group invites you to celebrate Back to School with a Boohoo/ Yahoo Brunch and Book Swap! Please bring yummy brunch foods like muffins, bagels, juice, etc to enjoy following coffee hour. We are going to have a book swap table. Bring some books you no longer read but are in good condition and pick up some other books that may be new to you. Yay Reading!

Tuesday, August 27

5:15PM Yoga with Tish - If you would like to try Yoga to help improve your core strength, balance, and ability to relax, please join a small group that meets in the Meditation Room in the RE building on Tuesday evenings from 5:15 to 6:30PM.

Wednesday, August 28

6:30PM Wednesday Night Supper - RSVP by Tuesday to WNS@hvuuc.org

We will be grilling sausages (beef, chicken, and vegetarian) and a selection of salads and dessert. Please indicate if you’d prefer a vegetarian option when you RSVP. Cost is $5 for adult/$2.50 children.