Sunday, April 21
9:30AM No children's Religious Education classes today.
9:30AM Adult RE 1 - Ancient Civilizations of North America Meet in the Meditation Hall, 2nd floor of the Religious Education building.
9:30AM No Adult RE 2 today.
11:00AM Worship Service: Easter and Earth Day, Rev. Jeff Briere
For Easter: Don't let the stone stop you. It's only a stone.
For Earth Day: The gospel of the salamanders.
12PM Fellowship Hour - Join us for coffee, snacks, and fellowship after the service.
12PM Easter Bunny and Egg Hunt - Please join us after the Easter Sunday service for our annual egg hunt! We are hoping our favorite Easter Bunny will hop on over for a visit, so bring your baskets and join us!
Tuesday, April 23
5:15PM Yoga with Tish - If you would like to try Yoga to help improve your core strength, balance, and ability to relax, please join a small group that meets in the Meditation Room in the RE building on Tuesday evenings from 5:15 to 6:30pm.
Wednesday, April 24
7PM Wednesday Night Supper - The menu is dinner bowls with grilled chicken and roasted veggies.! RSVP to by Tuesday April 23.
Saturday, April 27
6PM Complicated Game Night - This is an adults-only board game night at the REZ. On the "complicated" nights the games don't HAVE to be complicated, but it's okay if they are. That's what we're signing up for.
No experience with more complicated games? That's okay! They can seem overwhelming at first (lots of bits, lots of rules) but they usually start to make sense after muddling through a few rounds. And we're an easy-going bunch.
Please make sure to arrive promptly so you can get to playing right away and not have to wait for a game to finish. These games usually take an hour or more to play.
Bring food and drinks if you want, to share or hoard. Bring games if you want (and can teach them).
Email with questions!