What's Happening September 23 - September 29

Sunday, September 23

9:30AM Children's Religious Education - Children must be registered online. Classes this year are as follows:

Pre-K and 1st - Religious Education building, Joseph Priestly room

2nd thru 4th grade - Religious Education building, David Thoreau room

5th grade thru HS Senior - Religious Education building, James Reeb room

9:30AM Adult RE 1 -  Energy Meet in the Meditation Hall, 2nd floor of the Religious Education building. 

9:30AM  Adult RE 2 - Faith Like a River Meet in the Emerson room in the Religious Education building.

11:00AM Worship Service: "Change Up", Rev. Jeff Briere

Change is coming. Do we resist it or embrace it? Is there a middle way? According to the Buddha, there is always a middle way.

The ETSU Chorale will be visiting today and providing our music!

ETSU Chorale

Remember to bring Hunger in Your Neighborhood food donations!

12PM Fellowship Hour - Join us for coffee, snacks, and fellowship after the service.

12:45PM White Supremacy Teach In

Wednesday, September 26

6:30PM Wednesday Night Supper - RSVP to WNS@hvuuc.org by Tuesday, September 25.

Saturday, September 29

5PM Families Group Campout-Minus-the-Tent