What's Happening September 2 - September 8

Sunday, September 2

9:30AM No Children's Religious Education due to the Labor Day holiday.

9:30AM Adult RE 1 - Meet in the Meditation Hall, 2nd floor of the Religious Education building.  This class is currently listening to lectures about Climate Change.

9:30AM  No Adult RE 2 today.

11:00AM Worship Service: "People. Productivity. Profit.", Rev. Jeff Briere

Labor Day is more than parades and displays of pride and patriotism. It's more than the official end of summer. These days, Labor Day means People first. Productivity second. Profit third.

Remember to bring Hunger in Your Neighborhood food donations!

12PM Fellowship Hour - Join us for coffee, snacks, and fellowship after the service.

12:30PM Social Justice Call to Action Meeting -  A vote of those present will take place regarding Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist’s official support of TriPride’s parade on September 15.  According to Article XIII of our policies a vote of 3/4ths’ majority of those present at said meeting is necessary for our church to give a public statement of support and for members to officially represent the church at the event.  For more information about the vote speak with President Spencer Conco (president@hvuuc.org).  To march in the parade or volunteer at a booth at the TriPride event reach out to socialjustice@hvuuc.org .  Please visit tripridetn.org to learn more about the event. 

Tuesday, September 4

7-9PM Storytelling Small Group Ministry

Friday, September 7

6:30PM Women's Group - Cancelled due to a happy family emergency!

Saturday, September 8

6-9:30PM Casual Game Group