Sunday, June 10
9:30AM Summer Religious Education - All the children’s Religious Education classes get combined in the summer for a variety of special activities. This week our class is Origami with Gerald K, Linda W, and Sophie P. Meet in the Fellowship Hall.
11:00AM Worship Service: Hospitality: A Core Virtue and Spiritual Practice, Denee Mattioli Coordinator: Beth Calvert
Unitarian Universalists draw upon all of the major faith traditions for philosophy and inspiration. Each of the traditions speak of hospitality. This talk explores what is meant by hospitality as a spiritual practice including the Rule of Benedict which encourages radical hospitality that welcomes all people, without exception and especially those of any oppressed group.
Remember to bring Hunger in Your Neighborhood food donations!
12PM Potluck - Stay after the service and join us for our monthly 2nd Sunday potluck lunch.
Monday, June 11
5:15PM Voice Technique Class
Wednesday, June 13
9:30AM Sangha
10:30AM Moxie Covenant Group