A soup luncheon will be provided following the service on Sunday, January 28th. The social justice committee will serve up a variety of delicious, hot soups, including vegetarian and vegan options, along with bread and dessert. The suggested donation is $5 per adult, $2.50 per child, with a $20 max per family. Funds raised will support social justice initiatives supported by our congregation.
Come eat with us and stay for the White Supremacy Teach In afterwards! This is a collaborative project with an intention to recognize the White Supremacist system that our culture operates within, and will give us guidance on how each one of us can help to dismantle it.
During the White Supremacy Teach In, kids aged 5 and up will meet in the Fellowship Hall to decorate cloth grocery bags for distribution to congregants (one bag per family). The cloth bags will serve as a reminder to bring your donations and will hopefully spur environmental ethics. Parents/guardians are welcome, but not required.
Childcare is available during all events on Sunday.
Questions? Contact socialjustice@hvuuc.org