What’s Happening October 29 - Nov 4
Sunday, October 29
9:00AM Youth Choir 1st Practice - The Youth Choir will begin practicing October 29th at 9AM in the Emerson room of the RE building. Let Margi know if your child is interested in joining! musicdirector@hvuuc.org
9:30AM Youth Religious Education Find out which class your child is in this year and be sure they are registered! Children 3 years old and younger are invited to go play in our nursery. If you haven’t registered your child yet, please click here RE Registration
9:30AM Adult RE 1 Why Evil Exists
9:30AM Adult RE 2 Building the World We Dream About
11:00AM Dumbledore’s Army Collecting Food The 4th and 5th grade Religious Education class will meet you at the door this Sunday to collect your food donations.
11:00AM “Sacred Food: Nourishing Body and Spirit”, Lisa Mitchell and CUUPs Coordinator: Spencer Conco
What’s your relationship with food and how is it effecting your spiritual life? Join the church's chapter of Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans and friends as we celebrate the 3rd harvest and take a look at the connection, historic and current, between food, humans and the Divine.
5th Sunday Collection - During each month that has a fifth Sunday, we take a special money collection for a social justice cause. Today, we'll be collecting for an Erwin, Tennessee family that had their home destroyed by a fire. Stay tuned for a special announcement during the service.
12:00PM Fellowship Hour – Join us for coffee, snacks, and fellowship after the service.
12:30 Adult Choir Practice – Meet in the Emerson room of the RE building
12:30PM OWL Parent Meeting - Did you know that we will be offering an Our Whole Lives session for 7th-9th graders beginning in January? If you would like to have your child participate in this wonderful program, we will be having a Parent Orientation immediately after the service today. Please contact Sarah at DRE@HVUUC.ORG with questions or to RSVP.
Wednesday, November 1
9:30AM Sangha
Friday, November 3
6:30PM Women’s Group
Auction Donations due November 1st - This is a reminder to get your donation offerings in by or before November 1st, so the catalog can be prepared and ready for review and distribution the week prior to the big event! Easy to submit online via Service Auction website "Donation Form." Alternatively you can use a printed form in the sanctuary, or simply email Auction@HVUUC.org with details.
Church Work Day Saturday October 28 - From 9AM until 5PM Greg Kramer will have a variety of jobs around the church for you to do. Come when you can, leave when you must! Contact Greg at facilities@hvuuc.org if you have any specific questions.
Everyone is invited to a Family Halloween Party October 28! - Saturday, October 28 from 6:30-8:30PM there will be Apple Bobbing, Cakewalk, Trick R Treat Circle, Ghostly Piñata Game, Hotdogs, Popcorn, Carmel Apples, Wormy Punch, Fire Pit with Marshmallow Roasting and an End of Evening Raffle. Join us for a night of fun! If you’d like to help out with the years Halloween Party contact Cynthia at fellowship@hvuuc.org
Songfest 2017 – A Fundraiser for Family Promise - Sunday, November 12, 2017, 3:00 to 5:00PM Gregory Center at Milligan College. Plan to join Family Promise for a great afternoon of music! An Appalachian Music Experience Come out to see:Carson Peters & Iron Mountain, Ed Snodderly and Friends, ETSU Old Time Pride Band Free to the Public. Donations are welcomed.
Ingathering for New Member November 19 - We welcome you! Anyone who has been to Path to Membership class and wants to join Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church as a member, November 19 is Ingathering. We ask that you provide a 50 word introduction to be read in the church by November 16th. Contact Peggy P. at membership@hvuuc.org or see her in person at church to sign up for Ingathering or if you have any questions.
Green Arts Festival December 3 - The annual Green Arts Festival will be taking place immediately after the Festivals of Light service, always a popular event, on Sunday, December 3rd. For those of you who aren't Makers, we will have a variety of handmade goods such as jewelry, crochet items, photography, art, and more to help you get your holiday shopping done while supporting local artists.
If you want a table, more information, or would like to perform some cozy winter music, please email me at greenartsfestival@hvuuc.org and I will add you to my handy dandy spreadsheet!
Survey for Midweek Service - Recently, the Board of Trustees did a survey to see if the congregation had a need for a midweek service. The survey is finished. Thanks to all the members and friends who responded. The survey showed a small group (six people) who work or had personnel issues on Sunday would attend a midweek service. At this time, due to the time, effort, and treasure it takes for a service, the board feels the number is too small to warrant a midweek service.
Hunger In Your Neighborhood - Bring donations of Pet Food for this month’s Hunger in Our Neighborhood collection. Donations will be shared between the Jonesborough Food Bank, Hunger First in Kingsport and our own church food pantry. Remember, the themes are for fun….not rules!
Caring Team - This support is provided by the Caring Team who responds to your Candles Card. The Caring Team coordinators for October are Louise Serviente and Alicia Culbertson. They can be reached at caring@hvuuc.org or 423-477-7661 (Press 3).