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Greening of the Sanctuary

  • HVUUC 136 Bob Jobe Road Johnson City, TN, 37615 (map)

Join in helping with the "greening of the sanctuary" on December 14th. One of HVUUC's many traditions is the decorating the sanctuary in preparation for the Festivals of Light service. We bring nature into the sanctuary in the form of beautiful boughs of various evergreens. Fragrant pines, firs, iconic holly, bushy junipers, and the like.

Anyone interested and able to help is welcome. Bring yourself - several will help guide what is needed, and set you free to do it. Come for as long or little as you can.

You can also bring any of these items to use or share:

  • various healthy evergreen boughs and branches from yards and fresh Christmas tree discards

  • garden gloves

  • Tarps for hauling debris

  • branch snippers

  • ladders

  • Floral wire

  • green twine

  • a willingness to help with hanging things up high or table level

  • a few to help with cleanup

  • a spirit of camaraderie

Coffee and pastries will be provided. It helps if we know you are coming, so write to But if you just feel moved to show up, great!

Earlier Event: December 8
Green Arts Festival
Later Event: December 15
Christmas Caroling