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Church Outdoor Workday - POSTPONED

A church grounds workday is being hosted by the Afterlife Covenant Group on Saturday, April 11, 2020.  We invite adventurous outdoor folks to come help clean the garden beds which include raking leaves, spreading mulch, pruning bushes,etc. We also plan to burn the large wood pile in the lower parking lot and the piles of wood gathered during the deck construction.  

Bring you garden gloves, rakes, shovels, pruners, tarps, wheel barrows, buckets, etc and join in the fun!  Come any time during the day to help with most of the garden bed work in the morning and brush pile burning all day (bring a chair and marshmallows!!)  

At lunch we will all donate a few dollars and order pizza.  Bring cookies, drinks etc. to donate to the effort!  If weather is bad (rain or snow) we will send out a notice of another date.