We shop for and provide an evening meal, overnight company, and breakfast for the Family Promise folks who will be living at St. Luke's in Kingsport.
To volunteer email familypromisekpt@hvuuc.org
The shopping list and menu are planned already and Sandy at St. Luke's is wonderful to work with.
The shopper- who can be a cook of course- arrives at the church with the groceries at about 4:30PM. Cooks prepare tacos with all the fixings, serve them and interact with folks as needed.
Dinner is between 5:30 and 6PM. Clean up and chatting usually will go until 7:30 or 8PM when cooks leave.
Overnight folks (two are needed) should be there between 7:30 and 8PM. They have a bed and a relaxing time. Families mostly go to their rooms after supper, but there may be a kid or adult who'd like to chat for a while.
In the morning, breakfast is very quick and casual-kids may get granola bars or bananas and the van picks them all up between 7 and 7:30AM.
Choose any or all of the roles that you'd like! and our kids are a welcome addition at supper time.