Your brother routinely makes anti-semitic comments.
Your neighbor uses "nigger" in casual conversation.
Your classmate insults something by saying, it's "so retarded" or "so gay.”
Your boss says your coworker works hard for a Mexican.
And incidents like these seem to be happening more frequently.
Stunned, you wonder “what can I say?” Perhaps you laugh along uncomfortably or, angry and frustrated, you walk away. Maybe you ignore it.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) we tacitly condone prejudice when we say nothing or when we model it ourselves by laughing along. People are marginalized, bias festers, and intolerant people feel validated. “Speak Up” is a fantastic resource from the SPLC that helps us figure out how to respond constructively to everyday derogatory language. Cindi Huss will facilitate the “Speak Up” workshop on Sunday, Oct. 22 from 12:45 to 2:30 p.m. (after a fourth Sunday fundraising luncheon).
This workshop is free (though love offerings are gratefully welcome) and open to all adults and youth ages 12 and older. Childcare will be provided free of charge for youth ages 11 and under.
So join us on Oct. 22 as we begin learning to confront bias and prejudice, including our own, courageously and compassionately.