Staff Changes in the Works

Staff Changes in the Works

In case you missed our big news during Candles time this last Sunday, we want you to keep you informed:

Our longtime Music Director Charis Carter shared during this Sunday's candles time: 'It is with a heavy mind and heart that I announce that my majestic companion in life, my 91 year old Nana is meeting her most challenging task of losing independent life.  I will be stepping down as your Music Program Director and transitioning to be her full-time caretaker.  I am joyous for the opportunity to honor this role with Nana and to watch from afar as this community continues to grow."   Charis' last day will be on September 8th, please join us to celebrate her and the considerable ways that she has made HVUUC a joyous and inspiring place to gather together on Sunday mornings.

Jenna, our Nursery Supervisor, is also moving on to other opportunities.  Just last week, after receiving applications and conducting interviews, our Personnel Committee has determined that the best person for our open Nursery Supervisor position is our own nursery worker Olivia Leath. We all feel really good about her leadership in this position, and are confident that your kids are in very good hands.  

We will be working on hiring additional nursery personnel and a new Music Director soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that information!

Water Communion

Water Communion

This Sunday, August 18th, is our Water Communion.  Bring water from your travels or from a meaningful location in the area, to participate in this this much beloved tradition.

Join us for church on August 18, 2024!

  • 9:30am Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:00pm Coffee Hour

“Water Communion”

Our annual interactive and intergenerational service where we celebrate our interconnectivity.

UU the Vote!

UU the Vote!

Here's your chance to volunteer with UU the Vote.
They have a number of opportunites to get involved.  And many of them are phone banking opportunites that you can do from the comfort of your own home.

"UU the Vote" is a non-partisan branch of Side with Love that provides us with a thoughtfully crafted “plug-and-play” opportunities to bring our democratic values to life in the crucial struggle to build a genuine multiracial democracy. UU the Vote engages people in voter registration, issue education, get-out-the-vote drives, voter protection, state leadership development, and more.

They have a number of opportunites to get involved. And many of them are phone banking opportunites that you can do from the comfort of your own home.

Action creates Hope! So we wanted to connect you with the opportunities to explore that you might be interested in. Visit this website for a list of events:

Bring Water for Water Communion this Sunday

Bring Water for Water Communion this Sunday

This Sunday, August 18th, is our Water Communion.  Bring water from your travels or from a meaningful location in the area, to participate in this this much beloved tradition.

In the water communion ceremony, everyone pours water into a shared bowl, showing that we are one interconnected and ever-changing community.  You do not have to bring your own water to participate as some will be provided.  But people often bring water that holds some significance for them.

Our History in Signs

Our History in Signs

Join us for church on August 11, 2024!

  • 9:30am Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:00pm Coffee Hour

  • 12:15pm Choir Rehearsal

“Our History in Signs”

Signs, signs, everywhere are signs. This Sunday, a new historical marker makes an appearance at Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church. Come learn about this historical marker and the stories behind it.

Church Picnic Volunteers Needed

Church Picnic Volunteers Needed

Please sign up on the large sheets on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall to help with the church picnic.

We need set-up preparers, food preparers, various food and drink donations, and cleanup help.

Sign up on the sheet in the Fellowship Hall or email to sign up.

Note:  The church is providing burgers and all the extras.

MACHO Group Coordinator

MACHO Group Coordinator

The MACHO (Men Achieving Community Helping Others) team has been an integral and necessary part of our church community for years. Many of the members have contributed countless hours to improve and maintain the facilities and grounds at HVUUC, as well as helping those in our community. Forming friendships through social activities is also an invaluable part of this group.

In order to keep this group together we need one person to step up to coordinate these efforts, respond to requests for help, and email members about events. If you are willing to accept this position or have questions, please email Thank you.



We have unofficially had a sort of contemporary band set up doing special music at the church for roughly a year now. We would now like to formally establish this band as a concrete thing and invite all musically inclined folks to participate in it!

The band is not one set of certain people. Instead it is a floating roster of regular people who like to play music often and enjoy playing in a group with others. Alesha, the band director, wants to make sure everyone has access to opportunities and all talents are showcased evenly. So not everyone gets to play every time, but everyone gets equal invitations to play.

If you would like to be added to our list of folks that we reach out to for band performances, talk to Alesha or Charis, or email, or attend a Music Committee meeting which is every 3rd Sunday after church.

General Assembly Report and Backpack Blessing

General Assembly Report and Backpack Blessing

Join us for church on August 4, 2024!

  • 9:30am Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:00pm Coffee Hour

  • 4:00pm Youth Group Event

“General Assembly Report”

A lot happened at General Assembly this year as we discussed Unitarian Universalist identity, environmentalism, trans rights and our response to war. Come hear from your delegates and your minister about what we learned this Sunday!

Teachers and Students, bring your backpacks (or computer bags, or a favorite notebook) to be blessed during the church service this Sunday August 4th. College Students and Home-school Students, you're a part of this too!

Deeper Than The Skin Concert Tickets Available Now

Deeper Than The Skin Concert Tickets Available Now

See this moving performance here at Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church on August 16th!


“This is Deeper Than the Skin”

The presentation begins with a song… followed by another song…

that moves into a poem and then… an invitation.

This is not just another evening of talk.

This is not just a concert of songs that just entertain.

“Deeper Than the Skin” is an experience of singing and listening… of experiencing a connection so deep that it makes you laugh, smile, cry and reconsider what you know about our history. It’s an invitation to open your heart and mind to a story of shared humanity that resonates with your own.

Two friends… one Black, one White… one from the North… one from the South! Musicians, storytellers, students of history and world travelers… born 3 day apart! Two separate narratives forged into one powerful friendship aimed at finding common ground and helping others to do the same.

Deeper Than the Skin brings together a remarkable journey that started 30 years ago and is now offering hope to people all over the nation. It’s a presentation that ends with an open dialogue that moves the audience from emotion into action…that gives voice and direction to the question “What can I do?”

Deeper That the Skin is an interactive, engaging invitation to take a step into a new reality. It’s an affirmation of the notion that a more perfect union begins…. with us!

See this moving performance here at Holsten Valley Unitarian Universalist Church on August 16th.

SEATING IS LIMITED. For tickets visit:

Ayyew and Bottle Bricks

Ayyew and Bottle Bricks

Join us for church on July 28, 2024!

  • 9:30am Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:00pm Coffee Hour

  • 12:15pm Choir Rehearsal

  • 4:00pm Youth Group Event

“Ayyew and Bottle Bricks”

Malaysia has a plastic problem. But their next door neighbors in the Phillipines may have a solution in the principles of their indigenous population. Learn how the principle of Ayyew led to the practice of bottle bricking, and what it might suggest to us about our own ecological efforts.