Staff Changes in the Works

In case you missed our big news during Candles time this last Sunday, we want you to keep you informed:

Our longtime Music Director Charis Carter shared during this Sunday's candles time: 'It is with a heavy mind and heart that I announce that my majestic companion in life, my 91 year old Nana is meeting her most challenging task of losing independent life.  I will be stepping down as your Music Program Director and transitioning to be her full-time caretaker.  I am joyous for the opportunity to honor this role with Nana and to watch from afar as this community continues to grow."   Charis' last day will be on September 8th, please join us to celebrate her and the considerable ways that she has made HVUUC a joyous and inspiring place to gather together on Sunday mornings.

Jenna, our Nursery Supervisor, is also moving on to other opportunities.  Just last week, after receiving applications and conducting interviews, our Personnel Committee has determined that the best person for our open Nursery Supervisor position is our own nursery worker Olivia Leath. We all feel really good about her leadership in this position, and are confident that your kids are in very good hands.  

We will be working on hiring additional nursery personnel and a new Music Director soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that information!