Upcoming News and Events
Click through for a collection of upcoming news and events at HVUUC. Click the images to be directed to more information.
Sunday morning your Minister, Board President, and Facilities representative will assess whether we feel it is safe to have church open or not. IF we decide to close church, you can find out about the closure in two ways:
-Our Facebook Page
-In the text of our Home Page at www.hvuuc.org
We are unable to share this timely information via ENews when it happens because of a delay built into our ENews system. So please monitor these other sources of information on Sunday morning.
If church is cancelled we will post an abbreviated version of the church service to YouTube by Sunday night, you can access our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/HolstonValleyUnitarianUniversalistChurch/featured
Join us for church on January 12, 2024!
9:30am Religious Education
11:00am Sunday Service
12:00pm Potluck
How do we make principled decisions? Can we create a solid foundation so that we can go beyond reactions and triggers and live the life we want to live? Today Rev. Tiffany explores how Systems Theory approaches to life and community can help us in navigating the big questions of life.
We are watching the weather and want to inform you about how you can find out IF church is cancelled on Sunday morning. Read on for more detail!
Sunday morning your Minister, Board President, and Facilities representative will assess whether we feel it is safe to have church open or not. IF we decide to close church, you can find out about the closure in two ways:
-Our Facebook Page
-In the text of our Home Page at www.hvuuc.org
We are unable to share this timely information via ENews when it happens because of a delay built into our ENews system. So please monitor these other sources of information on Sunday morning.
If church is cancelled we will post an abbreviated version of the church service to YouTube by Sunday night, you can access our YouTube channel here:
Interested in learning and discussing Unitarian Universalist history?
George Cross and Bryan Kleske are facilitating a Small Covenant Group, starting on
February 4th, and meet on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays through April for a total of six meetings.
The first meeting will be at HVUUC. We will discuss further meeting format to possibly include
an in person and zoom combo.
We will be watching Long Strange Trip, a six-part video series by Ron Cordes, that explores
the history of Unitarian and Universalist thought and practice from the early, liberal strands
in faith at the beginning of the Christian era to what we know today as Unitarian Universalism.
The video parts will be emailed out for viewing prior to the planned 2 hour meetings.
Only 8 spots are available so email uuhistory@hvuuc.org to claim your spot before the class fills up!
HVUUC will be hosting Comprehensive Sexuality Education for 3-5 graders beginning in January during normal RE hours. The program will begin with a Guardian Orientation on Sunday, January 12, from 9:30 - 10:45 AM in the Meditation Hall of the REZ. Subsequent workshops will begin on January 26 from 9:30 - 10:45 am. Please see the registration page for more information and full details and schedule. Registration is free and we are limited to 15 spaces so please sign up as soon as possible.
Please follow the link to the registration page: https://hvuuc-3.betterworld.org/events/our-whole-lives-sexuality-educat
If you have questions or would like more information please reach out to our DRE, Justin Ridley dre@hvuuc.org
Join us for church on May 19, 2024 and wear your best Star Wars attire!
9:30am Religious Education
11:00am Sunday Service
12:00pm Coffee Hour
May the Force Be with You, Unitarian Universalists! This Sunday our pulpit and music is packed with Star Wars fans as we explore what this piece of modern mythology has to teach us about good, evil, and everything in between.
We have noticed that sometimes the parking lot is so crowded on Sunday morning that people with physical disabilities are having to walk too far to get to the building. As we consider longer term fixes for this challenge, we are asking everyone who is in good physical health and doesn't have small children to make an effort to park either in the lower parking lot or fill the furthest away parking spaces first in the main lot.
I will be making every effort to lead by example, so if you see my car in a close-up parking spot on Sunday morning, make sure to give me a hard time about it! This is how we build the beloved community. Thanks! -Rev. Tiffany
Music Fest will not be happening this Saturday May 18th. When a new date has been picked it will be announced. Email musicdirector@hvuuc.org or fellowship@hvuuc.org with any questions.
CUUPs Full Moon ritual has been rescheduled for May 23rd at 6:00PM. Email cuups@hvuuc.org with any questions.
Join us for church on May 12, 2024!
9:30am Religious Education
11:00am Sunday Service
12:00pm Coffee Hour
Throughout this church year Rev. Tiffany has been exploring the Six Sources of Unitarian Universalism as listed in the current version of Article II. But there have been changes proposed to Article II which will remove the listing of the six sources. What will replace it, and is it an improvement?
Supporting liberal religion is a challenge! Compared to megachurches nearby, our resources sometimes feel small. That is why we need to be smart about how we financially support our principles.
Annual pledges are the largest source of HVUUC’s income. In good years pledges often rise, but when the economy falters, pledges may drop.
HVUUC’s endowment fund can reduce funding volatility. This money is intended to provide long-term, stable income to the church. The fund’s bylaws require it to donate 4% of the rolling 3-year balance to the church each year. Real growth of the endowment fund therefore relies on continued donations from the congregation over time.
The endowment fund has a bit over $163,000 invested and will contribute $6,435 to next year’s annual operating budget.
Historically, the largest donations to the endowment fund have been from estates and similar donations. Wills can be written to bequeath a specific amount of money, or a specified percentage of the available funds.
Some donations have been made by businesses. For example, Lynn and Paulette Byrd, owners of the RE/MAX Results Real Estate Team, provide a percentage of any commission associated with congregants.
And lastly, individual congregants make donations designed to honor life events (e.g., graduations, marriages or even divorces). Gifts are also made to memorialize someone who passed away. In 2024 so far, 10 such donations (ranging from $25 to $250, with a median of $75) have been contributed, and they add up – over $900 just this year so far.
Honorary gifts are easy! Write a check to HVUUC with “endowment fund” written on the note line. You can attach a note to identify an honoree. Turn it in with the weekly plate or mail to the church. The endowment committee will write you an acknowledgement and inform the honoree (or their surviving family) of your generosity.
If you have any questions about the endowment fund and how it operates please don’t hesitate to reach out by emailing endowment@hvuuc.org.
Join us for church on May 5, 2024!
9:30am Religious Education
11:00am Sunday Service
12:00pm Under G-d Film Screening
The Sixth Source of Unitarian Universalism is "Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature" Today we explore those rhythms by exploring mythologies from around the globe, and pondering what they mean for us as Unitarian Universalists.
HVUUC, the RE Collaborative, and RISE: Healthy for Life invite you to a documentary film screening of Under G-d, on Sunday, May 5, at 1:00 pm. A light meal will be provided after the service before the screening begins.
Under G-d
A film by Paula Eiselt
Under G-d is a documentary short about the national Jewish response to the Dobbs Decision woven through the lived experiences of impacted women and the various lawsuits currently being launched by Jewish and interfaith leaders to challenge the overturning of Roe v. Wade, state by state.
We will watch the film together, then facilitators from RISE will lead a discussion on the film and what actions we can take together in our community/state/country.
See the trailer below and visit the Facebook page to RSVP:
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4aB-3Bxw3c
For questions or more information contact Justin Ridley - dre@hvuuc.org
Minister’s Note
Game Nights
Coffee House Concert
Sunday Potluck
Beltane Ritual
Women’s Night
Click here to read the entire newsletter.
Click here for past newsletters.
You can also find a few printed copies at our visitors table in the sanctuary.
Up to date church info is always available at www.hvuuc.org
Join some key church leaders at the DEI Summit 2024 Conference on May 17th. Scholarships are available!
This is DIFFERENT from our Thursday night DEI workshop on May 9th.
DEI Alliance Summit in Kingsport
The 2024 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summit will be on Saturday May 17, 2024 from 7:30 am – 3:00 pm at the MeadowView Convention Center in Kingsport, TN. Rev. Tiffany and our Social Justice Chair will be attending to gain essential insights and skills for fostering a more inclusive and equitable religious community. as well as network with community leaders committed to creating positive change in your organization and beyond.
And we would like to invite you to join us!
Registration cost is $45 but the Social Justice Committee is offering two partial scholarships of $25 for the first two people who request them, to make this program more accesible. Please reach out to sjchair@hvuuc.org to request this scholarship opportunity. Visit this website for more information about the program and speakers, and to register: https://deialliance.org/summit/#register
If you can't commit the entire day but are still interested in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work, you can join us for a briefer, more focused free workshop here at HVUUC on Thursday, May 9th. Click here for more information on that opportunity: https://hvuuc.org/events/2024/5/9/diversity-equity-inclusion-and-food-workshop
Join us for church on April 28, 2024!
9:30am Religious Education
11:00am Sunday Service
12:00pm Congregational Meeting
May 1 is International Labor Day. And yet, we never hear about this holiday here in the United States. We have a separate Labor Day in September. Did you ever wonder why? Come explore the Labor movement with us today in story and in song.
And stay after church for our Annual Meeting!
Our April 28, 2024 Annual Congregational Meeting will be held in person only.
Listed below is our final slate of Board Candidates that will be voted on at our April 28 2024 Annual Meeting.
Immediate Past President – Dottie Blades
President – Tish Kashdan
VP – Noel Marshall
Treasurer – Sarah Sanders
Secretary – Alisha Culbertson
Facilities – Steven Roberts
Stewardship – Greg Kramer
Programs – Bradley Quick
Membership – Lori Krause
Fellowship – Peggy Wolfe
Nominating Committee – 2024 – 2025/2026
Michele Markstrom-Frish (2025)
Dana York Ensor (2025)
Jen Corbin (2026)
Ellen Barker (2026)
Emily Hand (2026)
Remember how much we all loved monthly Sunday Potlucks after church? It's time to get them going again! But we need a coordinator to make sure the notice gets published (so people know to bring in food that Sunday), and to line up folks to set up and clean up.
Call Kim Ray or email potlucks@HVUUC.org if you're interested.