Under G-d Documentary Film Screening this Sunday

HVUUC, the RE Collaborative, and RISE: Healthy for Life invite you to a documentary film screening of Under G-d, on Sunday, May 5, at 1:00 pm. A light meal will be provided after the service before the screening begins.

Under G-d
A film by Paula Eiselt

Under G-d is a documentary short about the national Jewish response to the Dobbs Decision woven through the lived experiences of impacted women and the various lawsuits currently being launched by Jewish and interfaith leaders to challenge the overturning of Roe v. Wade, state by state.

We will watch the film together, then facilitators from RISE will lead a discussion on the film and what actions we can take together in our community/state/country.

See the trailer below and visit the Facebook page to RSVP:

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4aB-3Bxw3c

For questions or more information contact Justin Ridley - dre@hvuuc.org