Mental Health Sunday

Mental Health Sunday

Join us for church on Sunday August 27, 2023

  • 9:30 Religious Education

  • 11:00 Sunday Service

Join us after the service for coffee hour!

“Mental Health Sunday”

One in Five US Adults experience Mental Illness. Mental Healthcare is shockingly difficult to obtain. And the last few years have definitely made matters around mental health more difficult to navigate. How can communities like ours make a difference in the journey to have a healthier life, mentally and emotionally?

Seeking Video Production Specialist

Seeking Video Production Specialist

Job Description: Video Production Specialist

Reports to: Minister

Effective: Fall 2023 – will be updated to match hire date

Job Summary

The Video Production Specialist will provide reliable expertise and weekly video production services on Sundays, to maintain and enhance Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church’s online presence.

Click through to read the full job information.

Note: HVUUC members and friends will not be considered for this position. However, if you know someone who might be a good candidate, please share this with them and encourage them to submit a resume and cover letter to by Sep 8, 2023.

Cats, Boxes, and Labels

Cats, Boxes, and Labels

Join us for church on Sunday August 20, 2023

  • 9:30 Religious Education

  • 11:00 Sunday Service

Join us after the service for our Church Picnic and Volunteer Fair!

“Cats, Boxes, and Labels”

Labels. We love them and we hate them. Religious labels are especially interesting when you're a Unitarian Universalist, because we are very much a both/and religion. Come explore how you label yourself, how your friends in this community label themselves, and how different that is than when someone puts a label on you.

For extra fun, take the Belief-O-Matic before the service starts, at

Housing for Foreign Student

Housing for Foreign Student

A sociology graduate students at ETSU, Charles Mawuli Nutsugah, is hoping to be able to live with a host family. Do you know any folks who might be willing to host a grad student for approximately a semester? (or less, depending on their situation)

Mawuli is from Ghana, is in his 30s, and he's a fluent English speaker (it's the language used for public education in Ghana). He would like to get acculturated to the U.S. He is going to be on a graduate assistantship and will be able to pay rent to the host family, if that would help.

Email if you’re interested.

Stories and Song: Music Sunday

Stories and Song: Music Sunday

Join us for church on Sunday August 13, 2023

  • 9:30 Religious Education

  • 11:00 Sunday Service

Join us after the service for Coffee Hour!

Stories and Song: Music Sunday

Music is a rich metaphor for community and tells the story of how we harmonize, explore our differences, and learn our own true song. Hear musical gifts from our congregation's musicians, and hear stories of community from several of our members and staff.

Fall Religious Education

Fall Religious Education

Fall RE begins on Sunday, August 13, with classes for K-12! This year we will have offerings for K-2; 3-5; 6-8; and 9-12.

Our K-2 and 3-5 classes will be using a LEGOS based curriculum.

Our 6-8 class will engage in Popcorn Theology a movie based curriculum.

The 9-12 class will have a social justice themed curriculum called Social Action For Tweens and Teens.

Come join us at the REZ at 9:30 - 10:45 to meet your RE Teachers!

Current and Upcoming Covenant Groups

Current and Upcoming Covenant Groups

Heart to Heart, Part 2

A 7 week Covenant Group based on the book, Heart to Heart. We will be meeting every Monday beginning August 28 and ending Oct 9 from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. Book ($5) available from Facilitator, Wanda Earp. Meets at HVUUC in the REZ. Maximum of 10 members. Subjects vary every week, covering chapters 8-14. No requirement to have participated in the Part 1 Group. Deadline to register August 25 via

Let’s Chat

Let's Chat is an ongoing Covenant Group, that meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. Members may join after talking to Greg Kramer, and may leave at any time. Topics have included Mystery, Integrity, Laughter, Leisure and Spirituality as Community. Our next meeting July 23rd is Empowering our True Selves and Shedding the Imposter Syndrome. See me after the service or email

The Divine Feminine

A four-session Covenant Group focusing on the divine feminine will take place on Sunday afternoons from 12:30 – 2:30 upstairs in the REZ. 9/24, 10/15, 10/29, 11/12 Open to all who identify as women.

In these four sessions the group will explore a culturally diverse, feminine face of God and ask how we can live into Her and bring more of Her into the world. Four goddesses from matrilineal cultures in different geographic regions will be explored. For more information, email

Faithfully Becoming: General Assembly Report

Faithfully Becoming: General Assembly Report

Join us for church on Sunday July 30, 2023

  • 9:30 Religious Education

  • 11:00 Sunday Service

Join us after the service for Coffee Hour!

Faithfully Becoming: General Assembly Report

Hear reports from our delegates and our minister about our trip to General Assembly, the annual national gathering and business meeting for the Unitarian Universalist Association. What did we learn? How did it make us think? Who are we becoming as a movement? We will also offer our kids and youth a backpack/notebook blessing during this service. Students of ALL ages (including adults!) should bring either their backpack or a notebook to the service.

Rock Painting

Rock Painting

CUUPS will be offering an ages 21+ Rock Painting craft event. CUUPS membership will provide rocks and painting supplies. Attendees may bring their own rocks and supplies if they prefer.

Set up starts at 4pm and doors open at 5 pm. Alcohol will be on premises.

A Donations basket will be set up to receive funds or nonperishable food items. Donated food will be given to the church to add to their food drive

Climate Activist Josh Long

Climate Activist Josh Long

Join us for church on Sunday July 30, 2023

  • 9:30 Religious Education

  • 11:00 Sunday Service

Join us after the service for Coffee Hour!

Climate Activist Josh Long

There are so many problems we care about in the world. Unfortunately, Climate change may be the most pressing issue of our time because of its ability to make every other social justice concern far worse. Joshua Long is a recent seminary graduate and the Director of music ensembles at the UU church of Annapolis. He will come to share, through sermon and song, his journey to becoming a faith-based Climate activist and musician.